Chapter 37

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Coraline's body shook with pain as the spell hit her body. Her mouth was gaped in form of a scream, but no sound came out. It felt like millions of knifes were stabbing the same spot over and over.

Astoria kept her wand pointed at her, not expecting to stop the pain anytime soon. She just stood there with an insane smile plastered on her face, her eyes wide as she watched her wither in unbearable pain.

Footsteps were heard, them quickening when they saw the scene in front of them. The pain suddenly stopped, a thud following after.

Quickened breaths were heard as the person came into her blurry view, her body unmoving as she looked at them with her head turned onto the ground.

"Fuck-." She tried to speak to Eli but remembered the spell to be silenced was still casted so she couldn't tell him she wouldn't speak. She mustered all of her strength to mouth the word 'Draco', tears still dripping from her red eyes.

He immediately nodded and stood up, running out of the hallway. He couldn't take her with him to the classroom because everyone will find out that they have a relationship.

Coraline looked to the side, finding Astoria unconscious with blood dripping down her head. She assumed he banged her head against the wall considering the drops of blood on it.

Rapid footsteps were heard making her shut her eyes tightly to stop the tears. She tried stopping her body from shaking to not show him how much pain was still wracking through her body.

"Coraline-", her chest ached from the thought of his heart breaking because of watching her lay there shaking. She tried not to cry but couldn't help the tears dripping down her cheeks at his voice.

"I need you to talk to me Coraline." He didn't even bother to look at the unconscious Astoria that was inches away from her.

She could hear his voice trembling as he gently picked her up bridal style, his forearm supporting her head. She shook her head slowly at his question, her shaky hand coming up to her mouth to point at it.

He immediately noticed and motioned to Eli, telling him what spell to do with his wand. Her breathing was heard as he removed the spell, Draco letting out a breath and clutching her tighter.

Her eyes almost shut making him shake her slightly. He was scared that if she fell asleep- she wouldn't wake up again. "Talk to me Coraline."

She could hear Eli behind them as he walked quickly, trying to keep up with Draco's pace.

"I missed you." He laughed through the tears that threatened to spill, his bottom lip close to quivering. "I missed you too my angel."


The smell of his dorm room filled her nose, her body slightly relaxing at the smell. She opened her eyes gently, the dim light not hurting her eyes.

She looked back to Draco, her heart breaking when she saw him with his head in his hands. She could hear his silent cries as he thought about what had happened to her.

If he could- he would kill Astoria. But he knew he couldn't. His family would instantly know by the heartless look he would give to her dead body. They knew he had a deep hatred for her the second she cheated on him.

It might've been an arranged marriage but they were on good terms before she decided to try and actually win him over completely. She thought cheating on him would get him to love her.

He only liked her at first, but when she did that it instantly disappeared. There was no way he was going to be with her after that. Especially since it was a month after Scorpius was born. 

"Draco", Coraline spoke lowly, catching Draco's attention. She was slightly sat up, her eyes wide as she clutched her stomach. He immediately moved closer to her side, sitting next to her.

"The baby-", she looked at him with teary eyes, watching as he grabbed onto her and pressed her head against his chest. She tried to get out of his grip, pushing him but he wouldn't budge.

"Why aren't you answering me- is our baby dead?!" She pushed him a bit harder, his grip tightening on her body. Tears were now streaming down her face as has kept trying to fight against him.

He just shut his eyes and gripped onto her even tighter, shutting his eyes making a tear drip down his own cheek. He might've not met the baby- but he was so excited to have it with her. To actually have someone to love the baby with.

She relaxed into him, her sobs still echoing in the room. He kissed her head, pressing his chin onto it. He couldn't help but think it was all his fault. She got hurt and lost their baby because Astoria wanted him.

All she wanted was him. And if having him meant she held never go near Coraline again- he would give her what she wanted. He had to keep her safe no matter the cost.

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