Chapter 13

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"He kissed you?"

I nodded my head, gulping at the thought of the things he would do to me. He looked right into me, a shiver running down my spine as an angered smirk grew on his face.

"You dirty little whore, thinking about such naughty things you want me to fulfill.."

My heart sped out of my chest as I remembered something he told me before we did anything- '𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙧 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮?'

I hated when he left me speechless. So I just had to bite back. "How are you so sure I want 𝙮𝙤𝙪 to be the one to fulfill them?"

His smirk didn't falter as he took in my words, he rubbed my jawline with the back of his index finger. "Because I know I'm the only man on your mind.."

My body stilled as he continued taunting me, exposing my secrets. "The only man who can make you cum with only one touch.."

He moved his mouth to my ear, whispering quietly, "The only man you imagine when you cum hard on your fingers.."

I gasped and pushed him slightly back trying to slip away from him. He grasped my wrist, pressing our hips together to lock me under him.

I sealed my lips shut, not giving him the satisfaction of a sound leaving my mouth. "You've been a very bad girl, don't you think?"

My face presented a slight scowl, my teeth biting into my cheek to keep myself from feeling him. I don't think I have to resist his teasing.

"Hm", he gently grabbed a piece of my hair, twirling it around in his index finger, "very bad temper.."

I turned my head to the side, huffing at his words and pressing my hands tightly onto the desk. Grabbing the back of my neck tightly, I yelped in pain as he kept my head down in a way of obedience.

He walked over to his desk and sat on his chair, spreading his legs and bending me over his right knee. "Hey!" I grunted out, trying to moving my neck to leave from his grip.

"Let me go you dick-!" 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙥.

My body jolted forward at the hit, a low scream leaving my lips. I moved my body back feeling my skirt bundled up to my hips, the feeling of his running hand on my uncovered ass letting me know there was no way out of this. "I want you to count."

I growled lowly, my temper rising at the thought of how submissive to him I looked. "Fuck you."

His hand came down on my ass once again, a whimper escaping my mouth. "You're only making it worse for yourself."

"Now count."

Exhaling deeply I shut my eyes tightly, giving him what he wanted. "Two." I could basically feel the smirk radiating off him at the sound of me giving into him.

His hand came down on my ass once more, my hands tightening on the material of his pants, "three."

My ass was read by the time he finished. In total he gave me thirty smacks which had my ass as red as an apple.

Tears were rolling down my face in sensitivity, wincing as he rubbed my sore cheeks. His hand moved from my ass to my thigh and onto the soaked material of my panties.

"Dirty, dirty girl", he mumbled, stroking my wetness through the lace, "enjoyed your punishment didn't you?"

Breathing heavily I nodded, writhing my ass onto his teasing fingers. He removed his hand from my body, a faint whine leaving me. His hand ran through the back of my hair, fisting it and pulling me up making me sit sideways on his left knee.

I looked at his serious face, my heart beating out of my chest. He brought me closer by my hips, our lips close to touching. I could feel his minty breath on my lips, the feeling of it just making me want to kiss him until my lips hurt.

He pulled us even closer, my eyes slowly opening when I felt them touch my own soft ones. His hand was at the back of my head tangled in my hair to prevent me from kissing him. "Do you want a kiss, darling?"

Nodding my head, I looked into his eyes and fisted the clothing of his abdomen wanting to somehow pull us together. I was so close to lifting my hands up and pushing his head to mine.

"Please", I whispered with clear desperation in my tone, my eyes lowering to his plump lips. He removed his close lips away from me, moving them to my ear, "then tell Scorpius to kiss you."

I was pulled up to my shaky legs, my teeth gritting in at the pain on my behind. He stayed sat, rolling his chair forward and hooking his glasses onto his sculpted nose.

My body stayed still in shock, not believing he was actually serious. "Are you kidding me?"

He looked down at the papers in front of him with his quill now in hand, grading papers. "You can see yourself out."

Fisting my hands tightly, I clenched my jaw and grabbed my bag from the floor walking to the door.

I turned around with my hand against the knob, gripping it tightly as I looked at his unfazed expression.

"Tell Scorpius I'll be waiting for him in my dorm."

His head snapped up at my response, his perked up head disappearing behind the door as I slammed in shut.

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