Chapter 31

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The smell of bile filled the bathroom as Coraline retched into the toilet. It was the next morning when she woke up with the feeling of food crawling up her throat.

She groaned in disgust and shut her eyes as the dizzy feeling that ran through her body. When she finished she flushed the toilet and laid back against the cold wall.

Shutting her eyes for a split second she breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly, trying to get rid of the nauseous feeling swirling deep in her stomach.

Last night was terrible for her. She wasn't able to get much sleep because of the nightmares that kept replaying the memories of the time with her mom.

The only time she fell asleep was in the morning when she felt warmth press against her back and comfort her softly. She didn't have the energy to turn around and see who it was. Maybe it was Eli since she allowed him to come in at any time.

"Breakfast is ready- Lina her are you ok?" Eli bent down when he saw her and immediately pressed the back of his palm against her forehead. She was at a normal temperature which made him sigh in relief.

"What's wrong?" She looked at him with droopy eyes and shut them tightly, opening them back up and focusing them on his worried figure.

"I'm fine it's just a bit of dizziness." He looked at her gently and helped her get up. "Are you sure? I can get anything you need."

She nodded and grabbed her hoodie from her cabinet, putting it on with his help. She thanked him lowly and walked out, him following after.

Walking down the stairs, the delicious smell of syrup hit her nose. She reached the bottom of the stairs and entered the dining room, Faye and Scorpius's eyes going to both of them.

"We saved you a seat." She gave them a small smile and sat down next to Scorpius, Eli on her other side. The second she looked, up she instantly regretted it.

Astoria was sat at the table with all of them, Coraline gulping when she looked at her with a smug grin. She had no idea what had her looking at her like that but it made her feel uncomfortable.

Shuffling around in her seat, she felt a warm hand go to her thigh, her head turning at the feeling. Eli looked at her with reassurance, smiling softly at her.

She smiled back at him and looked back up, not daring to look at Draco. She reached for the pancakes, starting to put them on her plate until a rude voice stopped her.

"Wow- leave some for us." She looked down at the table putting the pancakes down, her hands going to her lap.

Tears welled up in her eyes at her words. It seemed to her like all she did these days was cry and she hated it.

"Fucking hell mom! What is wrong with you?" Scorpius spoke loudly as he watched her get up and storm out of the dining room.

"That's no way to speak to your mother!" She yelled, Coraline shutting her eyes at the loud sound.

"Lina come back", Eli said as he walked behind her, "don't listen to her."

Dots filled her vision as she walked faster, wanting to go up to her room. Her body swayed to the side, arms wrapping around her waist as her legs failed her, darkness consuming her.


Oh no

Whatever could be wrong with her? 😟

Feel free to leave suggestions for any other books you guys are interested for me to write.

Sending love!! <33

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