Chapter 54

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Coraline stood next to Eli with a smile on her face, both of them walking to class. They had charms next, their last class being potions.

Since last night when he said he was going out, they hadn't spoken. She went back to her dorm and spoke with Eli on the new phone that Draco had gotten her. The second Eli answered she told him everything about why she wasn't with Draco at that moment. He thought it was a bit over dramatic how she thought he was sleeping with his assistant- but on second thought she had been acting sort of weird the past few days.

Draco has always proved he loved Coraline and would do anything for her, so the thought of him cheating on her never even dared to cross his mind. It could be possible because most guys are all the same, but it would've had to be someone that he loved even more than Coraline. And that was no one.

Eli suddenly stopped their previous conversation, turning serious. "Listen Lina, I think you should talk it over with Draco. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I think it was a bit over dramatic of you to just assume he was sleeping with her or even took interest in her." She couldn't help but silently agree with him. She was just so insecure that a more mature woman would swoop in and take him completely she just completely let that thought consume her.

Of course she loved the idea of having angry sex with him cause she knew he would get mad because of her leaving, but she cared more about his feelings than that. She came to the conclusion that she was being unfair.

"You're right Eli. I trust him with everything I have but I guess I just don't trust the people around him." He nodded in understanding, opening the door to charms class. They quietly took their seats next to each other, watching as the others did the same.

Professor Flitwick stood with his hands in front of him, a small smile on his face. "Today class I will not be the professor that will teach you." The class filled with murmurs, wondering why they would have a substitute if he was present.

"I have a short meeting with Professor McGonagall so another one of your splendid teachers volunteered to help you with todays charm; muffliato. Back in the day, he use to be the best at using the spell which is why he has come forth to help, and I have accepted. You must keep in mind that just because he doesn't teach this subject and isn't your professor for this particular topic, doesn't mean he shouldn't be treated with the same respect."

The second he finished with his small speech, the door opened, Draco walking in with a cold facade. "Thank you for the speech professor. I'm sure they'll all behave wondrously." Flitwick smiled back at him walking towards the door and leaving them alone.

Coraline gulped, cursing lowly under her breath. Not only did she already have to face him next class, but now she had to spend double the time with him. She usually wouldn't mind, but since they got in a "fight", she wants him to come crawling back to her and not the other way. But with him looking so delicious with his messy white shirt, she didn't think she would last long.

He didn't even spare her a glance as he walked towards the middle of the rows of seats and pulled out his wand, his veins flexing as he moved his hand in a circular motion as in a way to relax it.

All of the girls were drooling at the movement, none of them getting missed by Coraline's angry glare. They all thought they could get a chance with him, but in reality he was hers and she didn't think of sharing him. It was then she decided she would try to get his attention- one way or another.

Unbuttoning two buttons of her shirt, her pushed up boobs were clearly seen if anyone would even glance at her. Eli immediately took notice, his eyes widening at the sight.

"Coraline", the mention of her name immediately caught Draco's attention, but he didn't dare turn around. "What on earth do you think you're doing?"

Draco turned around at Eli's whisper yelling, his eyes darkening at the sight of Coraline's lavender bra out in the open. He finally spared her a glance, seeing an evil glint in her eye. His jaw ticked at the thought of someone looking at her the same way that he did- her body squirming under theirs, her face contorted in pleasure.

He slammed his fists on a students desk, not even noticing that everyone went quiet and that the students eyes were wide with fear. Coraline had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep in her smirk, Draco getting even more enraged at the sight. He was the one that was supposed to make her regret leaving him that day, not her.

Spelling books to all of their tables, he looked around, biting the inside of his cheek. "Get to work." She opened the book to the page he harshly wrote on the board, feeling happy with the way he reacted.

Quickly finding an excuse to go up to his desk, she read over a spell name, finally standing up and walking over to him silently. He was looking down at his desk, not noticing her figure moving towards him with a book in her hands.

Placing the book in front of his work, he looked up, his eyes darkening once he noticed it was her. She bent down slightly, her eyes unmoving from his own. Pointing to the word without even looking at the book, she grinned, tapping the page in front of them.

Gripping his quill tightly, he looked down seeing the word she was talking about. The second he saw the word she was talking about, he scoffed knowing damn well she knew how to say it even if it was hard for most students. Looking back up to her, she fake pouted, tilting her head to the side.

"Is there a problem Professor?" His quill snapped, neither of them flinching at the sound. She smirked in victory, grabbing her book and making her way back to her desk.

It wasn't long before class ended, the feeling of Draco's glare on her never leaving. "Class is dismissed. Ms. Lennox", she looked up for a split second, knowing exactly what his next words were going to be.

"I need to have a word with you." She adverted her eyes back down, taking her sweet time fixing the book just to annoy him. All the students had left, Eli telling her he was going to find the others before he followed the people out.

Draco let out a sound in aggravation, immediately going up to her and grabbing her jaw tightly. She still had the smirk on her face, it only making him angrier.

"Why the fuck are you mad, hm? I'm the one that's supposed to be angry because of you leaving me." She stayed still, her eyes narrowing.

"You didn't go to sleep with me that night." He chuckled angrily, bending down to her height.

"Missing me a little too much don't you think?" She immediately got even closer to his lips, her hands slithering around his waist.

"Yes." A shiver ran down his spine, the feeling of her hands grazing his shirt making him want to grab her and let her dominate him. She could basically hear his thoughts, her hands moving up his bad and her lips to his ear.

"Is that what you wanted to hear, Professor? That I missed your touch a little too much?" She could tell he was trying to not show emotion, but the submissive look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

Chuckling darkly at him, she backed him up to his desk, going around it and pushing him onto his chair. His hands went to her waist, his cock already bulging against his dress pants.

"And you say I missed your touch?" She grazed his dick, his hands moving to her waist and gripping it. "You're so pathetic." Gripping her wand, she bounded his hands together, hearing him mumble a curse word at the recreation that already occurred in the very classroom.

Kissing his jawline, she moved towards his ear, kissing the back of it softly. "I'm going to have so much fun with you..."

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