Chapter 59

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"Ah fuck" Coraline cursed, her head throbbing with pain. She should've definitely not drank as much as she did last night. The last thing she could remember was how many drinks she downed in one go because of a game they were playing.

A groan left her lips as she sat up, noticing she was on Draco's bed. Then she remembered- Draco was acting like a total dick because of her acting rude. She swung her legs over to the corner of her bed, grabbing the side of her head in pain. She looked to the bedside table, seeing her wand and a little note. She grabbed it, squinting her eyes to try and read the cursive letters better.

"Let's see if you remember the spell to make you feel better unlike how you forgot about the fact that you're in trouble." She grinned, knowing that he actually got mad because of how she said she was busy.

After actually remembering the spell to make her headache go away, she sighed in relief, pulling out her phone and calling him. It rung a couple of times, him always answering on the second ring. She stood up, hearing him pick up the phone.

"Yes?" She stopped walking, putting a hand on her hip. "Wow no 'good morning'?" She mocked his similar words from yesterday, hearing some rustle from where he was. "Can I call you later? I'm a little you know- busy." She scoffed, nodding her head even though she knew he could see her. "Very mature Draco," she tilted her head, "and I thought we could've gone out this morning", a smirk grew on her lips, "oh well I guess I'll just ask Aaron. Bye bye." She hung up the phone without another word, chuckling to herself.

If he wanted to continue this little game then that's what she's going to do.


"Oh my god I can't believe we're already so close to graduating." Faye spoke out as they all walked back to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade, Eli agreeing with his arm over her shoulder.

"That just makes me feel even older." Scorpius chuckled, looking to Aaron. "How did they even let you come in at this time of year? I mean with how close we are to already ending it?" Aaron shrugged, looking at all the stores in the area.

"I really don't know, but I'm not complaining considering I am now officially a wizard." Coraline giggled, running a hand through her messy hair. "I actually can't believe this is the last year we're going to be in Hogwarts though like we've been here since forever and now we're just", she paused, "leaving." They were all silent, Eli speaking up.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much. Even you Aaron even though we met not long ago." Aaron chucked as Eli continued, "we are not separating just so you guys know that. We're going to be best friends until the end", he looked down to Faye, "except for you baby, you're obviously more than a friend to me." He bent down and kissed her, Faye smiling widely as a blush rose on her cheeks.

Scorpius groaned, "guys ewwww", he fake gagged, all of them laughing at the action.

Once they reached Hogwarts, they all went their separate ways, Scorpius staying with Coraline. It was silent as they walked to her dorm, their steps being heard lightly as the shoes hit the ground.

"Um listen Lina I know you will be most likely moving with me and my dad after school ends and just in case you wanted to be reassured I need you to know that i am completely ok with it." Coraline smiled, looking to him and seeing a small genuine smile on his lips.

"I really needed that reassurance Scorp, thank you." He nodded softly, suddenly throwing an arm over her shoulder playfully.

"Wait wait wait so does this mean you're going to be my stepmother?" Coraline looked at his serious face, both of them bursting out laughing. Coraline covered her face, the thought consuming her mind.

"Oh my god I completely forgot about that part." They quieted down, her now speaking.

"Scorp I'm so sorry about your mom", he was looking forward not even turning to look at her, but her knowing that he's listening, "I-I know she was a really bad person and that she did stuff to not only me but to you too but still. She was your mother and I'm so so sorry for everything."

He shook his head, finally looking at her, "Lina don't apologize, really. I know that maybe her dying wasn't what some people may say she didn't deserve, but I just don't feel any love for her- I never did." He looked down. "And I know it's really bad for me to say that but as you said not only did he hurt you which is someone I deeply love and care about, but she also did things to me that a mother or anyone else should do." She nodded, looking down as well. He stopped walking, gripping her chin lightly.

He smiled softly, tilting his head lightly to the side, "trust me if you didn't do it sooner, I would've done it some day." Coraline couldn't help but feel better at his words, her shoulders slumping slightly. She nodded, her eyes filling with tears. He brought her into a hug, chuckling. "I'm definitely going to enjoy you being with me 24/7 once we leave." She giggled, pulling back from the hug.

Her phone suddenly vibrated, her pulling it out and looking at the message.

'Come to my office. Now.' Of course it was from Draco. He hasn't been texting her since he was acting busy, so she didn't even bother texting him either just to make him even more aggravated.

"I'm guessing you have to go?" She bit the inside of her cheek to hold in a smirk, nodding at Scorpius.

"Yep. Your dads getting super annoying." He grinned, "yea yea you say that yet you're always all over him." She playfully scowled at him, sticking out her middle finger at him as he walked away with a knowing laugh.

She had left Draco on red, making her way to his office without him knowing. She didn't even bother knocking as she walked in, seeing the room dimly lit. Shutting the door behind her, she noticed he wasn't in his chair, a confused look being seen on her face. She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"He's so fucking-.", her back was pushed against the wall next to the door by her neck, her not even knowing when he got so close when he wasn't even in her sight.

"I'm so fucking what, darling?" She gulped at his tousled figure, her core clenching at the sight of his messy hair and appearance. He smirked, trailing his other hand down to her waist and leaning towards her ear.

"It seems to me like you haven't been very respectful lately, am I wrong?" She gulped, feeling his breath tickle her ear, as he kissed the back of it, trailing them down to her neck. She shivered, her eyes fluttering at the soft kisses. She leaned slightly forward her hands going to his hips and trying to move him closer for some friction. His kisses started to turn harsher, a soft moan leaving her lips. She felt him suck on her neck, hearing him groan at the feeling of her hand on his bulge. He moved back slightly, her watching him eye her neck.

"Look at you..filled with my marks." She leaned forward to kiss him, his hand moving to her jaw and keeping her in place. She looked desperate, it making him want to devour her at that very moment.

"You've been a very bad girl, darling." He leaned closer to her face, their lips not even an inch apart. "You deserve to be punished, not praised." She groaned, knowing that she wasn't going to get what she wanted. She looked into his eyes, a smirk of her own growing on her lips.

"And don't you think you deserve to be punished too?" She suddenly pushed him against the nearest desk, making him sit still on it. She got on him, bounding his hands together.

"How about you stop being such a dick and let me ride you, hm?"

To say he was surprised once again by her sudden dominance, was understandable.



I saw some comments saying if the story is still continuing today and the answer is as seen yessss but it will sadly be coming to an end soon </3

If you guys have any idea for a new story feel free to comment your ideas I absolutely love seeing people share what they would like to see (and don't be afraid to write something freaky or something I don't judge)

I'm once again super sorry for the late update it's just I thought it would be easier when it's summer but my wack ass school has to put summer homework (I hate it so fucking much)



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