Chapter 8

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Coraline's POV

"What are you doing in here?" I said as I tried my best to cover my nearly exposed areas.

He looked me with his smirk still present, my jaw clenching as I tried to look at anything but him. His hand instantly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

His other hand pulled at the string strapped on my thigh, pulling me closer to him, my almost uncovered hardened nipples grazing his shirt.

"Who are you getting all dolled up for, hm?"

"Scorpius of course.. I heard his favorite colors red."

I kept my face serious, trying to control the grin that wanted to break out on my face. He gripped my jaw tightly, my cheeks getting crushed in his hard grip.

"You're sure it's for my son and not the guy you were begging to touch you?" My cheeks turned crimson red at his words, thinking that he had already forgotten about that.

He looked at me with fake pity as he looked at my blushing face. "Is my little angel embarrassed?" I gulped at his words, the lace of the un bought material getting soaked in my arousal.

Bending down to my height, his hot voice speaking directly in my ear, "I bet your already soaking wet with only my words.."

I begged for him not to touch my pussy because I knew he was right. He already had me squirming and he hasn't touched me.

His hand suddenly started sliding down, his fingers grazing the flimsy material on the way down. His hand reached the top of my pussy, my eyes squeezing shut in embarrassment.

His fingers grazed my clit, a soft whimper unexpectedly leaving my lips. He chuckled and pulled his hand away completely, looking down at me with a taunting smirk.

"Pathetic." That little bitch.

He turned around to walk out but my venomous words reached his ears right before.

"Go ahead. I'll just ask Scorpius to please me the way you never will-"

My spine was roughly slammed against the wall as he stared down at me with a clenched jaw. I smirked widely, trying to distract him from my trembling legs. "What's wrong Professor? Afraid your son might win me over?"

In an instant his hand was wrapped around the back of my head, gripping my hair painfully.

My mouth gaped open in pain as I tried to not let out a wince. He instantly pushed me down to my knees forcefully, my eyes staying on his face as I lowered down.

He looked so powerful on top of me. One word and he would have me at his mercy.

His grip was still painfully in my hair as he looked down at his suppressed bulge. "Go on.."

I immediately traced my index finger on the outside of his pants, my head getting pulled back painfully at the action.

"No fucking teasing." He seethed. I gulped my hands fumbling with his belt buckle, pulling it out of his pants and dropping it to the ground.

I unbuttoned his pants and lowered them along with his boxers, his hardened dick springing out.

Veins were decorating it, my mouth watering at the sight. He abruptly pulled my head forward, indicating he wanted me to touch him.

Pre- cum was leaking out of his tip as I kitten licked it, wrapping my lips on the tip only. I knew he was holding back a groan because I felt his grip harden in my hair.

In a second his whole dick was in my mouth making me gag at how big he was. It was impossible to take all of him. He kept my head still as he thrusted violently into my mouth.

My nails dug into the back of his thighs as I tried to kept my body from moving completely with his rough movements. Arousal was flooding down my thighs as I tried to press them together to get friction.

He made me take even more of him, his tip hitting the back of my throat. "That's right- take nine inches of me..", he said in pants as his eyes threatened to flutter shut from the pleasure.

A knock on the door sounded out in the dressing room, my eyes widening as I looked up at him with tears running down my face.

"Lina you in there?" He didn't stop. He kept forcing my head deeper a gag leaving my throat.

"Lina..", she said lowly, Malfoy pulling my head back for a second. He breathed heavily over me, his dick visibly throbbing. He moved my head forward, telling me to answer.

"Y-yeah I'm in here." I spoke with a raspy voice, one of his hands now pumping his dick slowly.

Faye turned the locked knob, panic entering my body. "What's taking you so long in there? Are you ok?"

"Yeah it's just I got more clothes to try out- I'll be out in a second." I heard her mumble an 'ok I'll be waiting near' making me try to get up from my knees.

His hand behind my hair didn't let me though making me move my eyes to look up at him. "Malfoy-"

I was quickly shut up as he entered my mouth once again, a gargled sound coming from the back of my throat.

He thrusted his hips into my mouth rapidly, panting louder as he focused on my teary cheeks. "Such a slut..  letting me throat fuck you when your friend might be hearing you. Does that turn you on?"

I nodded my head, hollowing my cheeks and taking him impossibly deeper. His hips jerked as he threw his head back slightly, a groan leaving his lips as he came down my throat.

I swallowed what was left of his hot cum, his hand pulling me back up by my hair. He grazed his lips on mine, a breath leaving my lips as I flicked my tongue on his top lip.

He groaned and clenched his jaw, letting me go completely and pulling his pants up, putting his belt back on as well. He looked down at my legs when he was done, watching them shake with desperation.

He smirked slightly, looking at the arousal dripping down my leg. "I guess my son can please you a way I never will, right?"

My mouth gaped open as he opened the door, looking around and walking out after seeing the coast was clear.

I clenched my jaw as I looked at myself in the mirror seeing my tousled hair and messy self.

Oh I'll get him back. You just wait.

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