Chapter 48

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"So when I was calling him daddy Malfoy you guys were already together?" Faye said with her mouth dropped open, her arm rested against the bed and the other one hovering over her mouth.

"No- it was after." Coraline said with a nervous smile. "And Scorpius is completely ok with this?" She nodded and looked down, fumbling with her fingers. "He wasn't at first- he only found out a month ago- but he said he'll come around. And he has." She cleared her throat, her eyes wide as she took in the new information.

"And i thought mine was bad." Coraline's eyebrows furrowed, staring at her side profile. "What do you mean?" Faye looked back to her, shrugging and looking at the wall behind her.

"Oh nothing it's just about me and Eli." Coraline gasped, Faye's cheeks getting hot. "No way! You and Eli?!" She nodded and looked down with a small smile, Eli coming into her room as if on cue.

"What are you guys talking about?" He said in a singsong tone, spring a glance at Faye. Coraline bit the inside of her cheek and just shrugged. "We were just talking about Fayes crush on a Gryffindor boy."

He moved his vision to her, seeing her wide eyes trained on Coraline's face. Faye looked at him, shaking her head. "No we weren't- there's no one." He hummed, scowling at Coraline.

"You just found out, didn't you?" She giggled, standing up from the bed. "How did you not tell me?! Never mind that- how could I have not noticed?!" He shrugged with a smirk.

"We're too sneaky that's all." He sat on her bed, grinning at Faye's flustered figure. "Yeah like that one time you guys took forever to get the chips to watch a movie."

They both looked up, Coraline laughing once again at the shock in both their faces. "Oh shut up, Lina. Did you know-." Eli cut her off, smirking widely. "That she was fucking Scorpius's dad?" She gasped, looking at Coraline."How dare you tell him first?"

"He just figured it out on his own. Almost gave me a heart attack with how quick he just blurted it out." He leaned back on the bed, a proud look on his face. "I swear I got sorted into the wrong house."

Faye scoffed and nudged him harshly, a wince leaving his lips. "Being in Ravenclaw doesn't mean you're only smart. You have to have other traits as well. Being smart is only a stereotype they put for Ravenclaws." He smiled at her, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the side of her lips. She blushed and rolled her eyes, Coraline groaning and walking to the door.

"I'm leaving. You guys make me feel lonely even though I already have someone." They laughed at her watching as she left, slamming the door shut.

She made her way to Draco's room, looking around to make sure no one was seeing her approach the teachers dorms. She graduates in two weeks so they wouldn't have to hide it after she left school. He told her he would quit after she left, the only reason he was staying was to see her everyday. It was true he didn't need a job with how much money he had. He just wanted to be able to be around her at all times, so he stayed.

Mumbling the password to his dorm only both of them knew, she walked in, closing the door after her quickly before someone caught her. She turned around, her eyes softening once she laid them on the sight in front of her.

Draco was asleep with no shirt on, the thin silk blanket covering the lower part of his body. Small breaths were leaving his parted lips, his hands wrapped around a shirt of hers that she brought to his dorm for whenever she was red to change from her uniform. His hair was ruffled messily, the light from a crack in the curtain hitting a part of his back.

Snapping out of her daze, she walked closer to the bed, taking off her clothes and only staying in her undergarments. She laid next to his slowly, careful to not wake him up abruptly. She smiled and looked at his angelic face, pressing a small kiss onto his perfect nose.

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