Chapter 14

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"Scorp!", the voice squealed as the creaking of a door opening filled the room. Faye instantly sprinted to him and wrapped her arms around his neck excitedly.

He chuckled and wrapped them around her waist, hugging her back. "I just left for two days Faye."

"It doesn't matter- we all missed you." His head snapped up to look through the room seeing Eli in front of him waiting for Faye to stop hugging him and myself waiting in the back.

I was fumbling with the ends of my dress in nervousness, my eyes looking into his in assurance that I wasn't upset.

Eli hugged him after, my feet inching closer knowing that i was next and I needed to tell him that everything is okay between us.

The second he let go I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head into his shirt. The comforting smell of chocolate and honey filled my nose, my shoulders sagging. 𝙎𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧. 𝙉𝙤- 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩 𝙪𝙥.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing circles on my waist. I looked up at him with a smile, his eyes sparkling as he looked down into my eyes.

"We're good, right?" He nodded quickly, a relieved smile rising on his face. Separating from him, I grabbed him warm hand and brought him to his bed. We've been hanging out in his dorm so the moment he came in we were already sprawled out on his bed.

I was so nervous he was going to kick me out the second he arrived because of what happened- I didn't even want to come in the first place.

Narrators POV

Coraline took him to the bed, letting go of his hand and laying back in relaxation. The thought of him being mad at her has been on going on in her mind every second since he was gone so she was finally at ease knowing they were ok.

"So", Faye started, looking back at Eli, "since you're back we can finally go swimming in the black lake." Coraline groaned and sat up, her skirt slightly rolling up. Scorpius's eyes shifted to the movement, gulping and fighting to look away.

"I already told you guys it's a bad idea! The lake is probably freezing cold at this time." Faye turned to her and threw her hand over her mouth, muffling her protests.

"What do you think? You want to come?" He nodded with a grin, looking over at an angry looking Coraline. She removed her hand from her mouth, crossing her arms and getting up.

"Don't say I didn't tell you guys anything when you get sick!" She yelled as she walked into the bathroom.

"Oh don't worry Lina, we won't have to tell you because you're going to get sick as well if anything."

She opened the door to the bathroom quickly, scowling at them. "No."


"Yes!" She squealed when she dipped her toe into the freezing cold water. Eli walked in, shivering at how told it was. "Come on Lina it's not that-bad."

Faye entered after him, pressing her lips together to not show how cold it actually was. "Just come in!"

She stood in a white long shirt that belonged to Scorpius while he wore a black shirt that he was removing with shorts. "No thank you I'm fine right here- Put me down!"

Her screaming self was lifted off the ground by Scorpius who was a laughing mess as he walked into the deep with her over his shoulder. She clutched onto him tightly, shutting her eyes when she fully submerged in the water.

A gasp left her lips as she rose up, coughing at the bit of water that entered her mouth. Her teeth clattered against each other as she turned around, looking at them all laughing.

"Fuck-you", she spoke through gritted teeth as she started walking out of the lake, the chilly air hitting her body. She looked down at her soaked shirt, the fabric sticking to her.

Peeling the shirt off and throwing it to the ground, she groaned at the coldness that bubbled her skin. She ran her fingers through her hair, looking up.

A crowd of people were watching her wide eyes, craving for a touch of her. She instantly covered herself the best she could, bending down to grab the shirt once again.

Hands slithered around her waist and pulled her to his body, putting the black shirt around her. "Wear this."

Looping her arms in the holes she looked up to see Scorpius looking down at her heavily. She had no idea why he was acting weird but she just shrugged it off.

He looked at the disappearing crowd, glaring at the ones still in trance. "What the fuck are you all staring at?"

They all quickly left, Coraline's body relaxing into his touch. She doesn't know what she would do without him.

"What seems to be the problem here?" They both turned their head to the voice, her heart starting to race at her Professors threatening stance.

"Nothing. Everything's fine, dad." Scorpius told him lowly, his arm still under the shirt she was wearing and wrapped around her waist.

He hummed, throwing daggers at the placement of his sons hand on his witch.

"No swimming is allowed in the black lake. Haven't you heard of all the creatures in there?"

Eli and Faye were getting out with their heads lowered down, putting their shirts back on and listening quietly.

Coraline was the first one to courageously speak, "then shouldn't there be a sign or something?" His head snapped at her voice, his eyes darkening as he watched her arms cross over her chest.

He was already enraged at the fact that she was wearing his sons shirt so her speaking up bravely in front of her friends only fired him up even more.

"Intelligent students would know that swimming in the black lake would get him killed if creatures got a catch of them", he bent his head down slightly, intimidating her, "but I guess I should bring up with McGonagall to put up a sign for the more senseless students."

Coraline's face heated up as she clenched her jaw, trying to hide the embarrassment. He bent his head back up and looked at the four of them with authority, "detention for the four of you."

He shifted his eyes back to Coraline, "and you will all be separated." With that, he turned around and walked away.

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