Chapter 4

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"I don't blame you Lena he really is a stuck up little bastard."

It was the next day and she didn't know if she was dreading or anticipating going to detention with Professor Malfoy.

Scorpius groaned as he thought about his rude father, all of them sat at the great hall eating dinner. They were all sat in different places considering Coraline's suggestion. She was now sitting next to Scorpius because the jellybeans were not in the same place as always and she wanted them to be in front of her to pick at them whenever she wanted.

"I mean your mum keeps fucking him so I'm guessing he's not that bad." Faye chuckled, Eli joining in as she nudged his shoulder.

That for sure made Coraline lose her appetite. She was attracted to a married man who's wife waits for him at home. But she just ignored that fact for a moment and laughed as if everything g was okay.

Time ticked by as they all chatted away, her conversation getting interrupted as a hand grabbed her thigh. She looked under the table noticing it was Scorpius's making her leave it there.

Scorpius was always affectionate with her because of her past. She never had someone that really loved her. Her dad left her and her mom basically left her as well when she got with her now pervert husband.

Her thigh was now fully on his as he kept one of his warm hands wrapped around it.

Eli groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance, grabbing his bag along with Faye and Scorpius.

"I wish I could just skip class but I'm on my last straw with the headmaster."

Coraline's eyes widened as her smile dropped, her hands quickly gripping her bag and getting up completely from her seat.

"Shit shit shit! I completely forgot I was meeting your dad for detention-", she said in panic knowing he can give her multiple detentions for being late.

They all just watched as she ran to the great hall door, turning around and waving at them before speeding out.

She reached his classroom door and bust it open in a hurry, trying to calm her heartbeat. Her hair was a tousled and she looked like she just ran a marathon with how red her cheeks were.

"You're late." She nodded with wide eyes as she shut the door and sat at the back of the class.

"I'm clearly aware."

He watched her every movement with a scowl, his wand in between his fingers as he skillfully played with it.

"Where were you?" He said as he completely dropped the wand, standing up and walking towards the her desk.

"It's none of your business." She said with annoyance in her tone.

His hands pressed against the desk as she eyes dark veins decorate them along with silver rings. She gulped and looked up at him, his dark eyes already focused on her.

"When you're late to my class then it certainly is my business. Where. were. you."

She grinned making his jaw clench in anger. "Take a guess."

He stared at her sternly, her grin falling off her face as she rolled her eyes knowing he wasn't playing any games.

"At dinner." She said lowly, lowering her eyes and taking out her parchment and quill.

He took in how she looked and noticed she was looking all messy because she ran all the way here.

He just hummed at her response and removed his hands from her desk, moving back to his. "I want you to write a full paper front and back with the following line", he turned around to face her, his face serious as he tilted his head sideways. "I will not show up high to class."

Her mouth gaped open as she watched him advert his eyes to his desk and grab his own quill, no longer paying attention to her.

She mumbled angrily under her breath, not believing that she had to write lines like a first year.

It was a habit. She always spoke under her breath when she was stressed or angry. It was a way to not keep everything bottled up and explode.

"I can't believe this- fucking little-"

She kept mumbling, her quill scratching against the parchment, droplets of ink spraying around the words.

"Mind repeating that?" She heard his voice echo in the room. Her face got red as her clenched her jaw, raising her head.

"I'm very sorry sir.." she said with a tight lipped smile, speaking through gritted teeth. He kept his face serious, trying to contain his smirk.



Twenty minutes and she finally finished, biting her lip in excitement and lifting the fully written paper up.

She stood up and walked over to his desk, putting it in front of him. His eyes shifted from the papers he was reading and to the one that was now covering them.

"May I go now?" She said while tapping her foot on the ground. He inspected it really good, the tip of his fingers placed on the corner of the paper.

He placed it back on the table and looked up at her, his silver eyes boring into hers as he tipped over the black ink bottle, spilling it all over the now ruined paper.

"Oops." He said while biting the inside of his cheek to not show any emotion.

A shocked gasp escaped her lips as realization dawned down on her, her face turning even redder.

She just bit her tongue to contain herself, her hands shaking at her sides as she gripped her wand and pointed it at the paper.

The puddle of ink instantly disappeared, her eyes moving back to his as she tilted her head sideways, giving him a fake smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow Professor Malfoy."

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