Chapter 57

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"Did you know there is a Slytherin party tonight?" Aaron said to Coraline, his eyes trailing to the many different varieties of dark red. "Yes! We're definitely going after dying your hair." He hummed in agreement, a huff of breath following right after.

"Why are there so many different shades of dark red if it's just dark red?" She giggled, moving him to the side to get a closer look. "Well it's because some people might either complain if it's either too light or too dark."

She leaned up and grabbed the one on the top shelf turning around with a smile on her face, "this one would look gorgeous." He kept his eyes on her, her now noticing that their body's were inches apart.

"You're gorgeous..." He spoke under his breath her almost not catching it. Her cheeks flushed pink, looking down and fiddling with the box. "Thank you." As if on cue, she heard her phone ring, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she gripped her phone to get rid of the awkwardness.

The phone read 'Draco' making her mumble curse words under her breath. "I'll go pay for that while you talk on the phone." He said lowly, her nodding and watching him walk away.

She answered the phone when she saw him far enough for him not to hear the conversation. "Yes?" She was already annoyed at him not even wanting her near Aaron which just made her question why. Yes he might've called her gorgeous, but that's just a complement that could be shared within friends!

"Wow no 'I miss you'?" She tried to contain a smile, looking down at her shoes. She decided to act rude to see his reaction. "Did you need anything? I'm kind of busy right now." She could hear his desk chair squeak, letting her know he's in his office grading papers.

"Busy?" He seethed, "the only time you're going to be saying your busy is when you're with me and my cock is down your-." She hung up the call, a suppressed laugh escaping her. She was for sure now dead.

She walked towards the cashier seeing Aaron holding a bag and raising it with a smile. She smiled back, glad that it wasn't awkward after the moment they had endured.

They walked out of the store, Coraline pulling out her wand and apparating them to the outside of Hogwarts. They chatted as they walked to the common room and to her dorm, his eyes taking in the room.

"Ok soooooo", she put the box of color and the supplies onto the bed, patting a spot next to it for him to sit. "Sit." He walked towards the bed, sitting down where she told him too.

She opened the box, reading the instructions carefully. She hummed, dropping them and grabbing the dye. "Welp hopefully I do this right."

"No no no." He grabbed her hands, stopping her off a second. "Coraline remember I know how to dye hair I've been dying it since I could remember." She shrugged, taking the tip off of the bottle of dye.

"I want to do it." He rose a brow, seeing her shoulders slump. "Pleaseeeeee." He sighed, running a hand down his face. "I'm definitely going to regret this." She smiled seeing him adjust again and then his head towards her. She started putting some on, a mess taking over his forehead and sadly, her sheets.


"My bedsheets!" Coraline exclaimed with a hand over her mouth, not wanting to know what Draco is going to say to that.

"Hey!" He screamed from inside of the bathroom, his head in the side sink. "Don't act as if I didn't warn you about you doing it instead of me!" She groaned and just walked into the bathroom seeing his head finally rise from under the water. She handed him a towel, gasping once she saw how good it looked.

"You see! I'm too good at this." She was smirking, Aaron looking at his hair with a surprised look on his face. Her trick with this gel called Vaseline worked, his face not having one trace of red dye.

"Not bad not bad." She smiled in excitement, walking out of the bathroom and ushering him out. "Ok now you have to go back into your dorm to get ready, and I have to get ready too." The party started in an hour excitement rushing in her body.

"Alright alright I'll be here in 45 minutes." He walked out shutting the door behind him.

She quickly got in the shower and did everything she needed, it only taking 35 minutes. She started putting on her silver necklace that fell down her navel, adding some glitter highlighter all over her body. It was this new muggle item she had discovered and boy was one of her favorite things.

A knock was heard, Coraline yelling a 'come in!' Aaron walked in, a grin plastered on his face as he held up a bottle of fireball in his hand. She turned around with her eyes widened, knowing exactly where this was going.

"Pre-shots?" She grinned as well, finally deciding that for at least one night she would have as much fun as she wanted.


They walked into the Slytherin common room, their body's already burning from the whole bottle they shared. The music was pounding in their ears, the flashing of dancing body's being shown through the flashing lights.

Scorpius was seen at the bar, Faye and Eli already there. "Hey guys!" They all turned around and looked at her, Faye gasping and giving her a spin. "You look hot as fuck!" She laughed, feeling even more confident in the short deep red dress she was in. Scorpius pointed to Aaron's hair, it being vivible every time a light color flashed through the room.

"It matches his hair." Eli agreed, Aaron running a hand through his hair. "You guys like?" They all nodded, his hair falling onto the right places when he shook his head.

She looked around the room, thinking of Draco. It was odd that he didn't go into her room after the text she sent him, him leaving her on read. She rolled her eyes at the thought, knowing he was trying to be petty.

"Lina! Drink up!" Faye handed her a blue drink, Coraline smelling it before throwing it down her throat. It tasted just like it smelled; like blueberries. She grimaced at the taste, loving the beginning of the taste and how it made her feel.

"Damn give me another." As she got handed another one Scorpius looked worried, his eyes focused on her. "Um I don't think that's s good idea." Coraline got close and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, kissing his cheek.

"Cmoooon live a little." He gulped and looked around, finally agreeing. "If I get in trouble it's all you." She was confused at what he said but shrugged it off, following him to the dance floor where the others were already dancing.

It was going to be a long night.



I'm so sorry this chapter was uploaded so late it's just that your girl went through a break up and everything 😺

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and now that it's summer I'm going to be uploading moreee 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼



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