Chapter 36

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"And she's so pretty- I could stare at her forever," Scorpius said as he walked with Coraline to their next class.

Coraline nudged him and looked at him with a smile. "I'm happy for you Scorp. Maybe we could all meet her sometime soon?"

He nodded and smiled wider as he opened the door to the potions classroom, keeping the door open for Coraline to walk in as well.

"Morning class," Draco said as he looked around the classroom, his eyes slightly lingering on Coraline, "all we're going to be doing today is reading page seventy three thru eighty nine to ourselves to study for the test I have postponed for next week."

People whispered to each other in glee, not knowing why he would be kind enough to change the date for the test he had been constantly nagging them to study hard for.

Coraline could only smile and look down, taking out her book from her bag because she knew exactly why he changed it.

Last night she had spent her whole night with him and completely forgot that she had to study for it. The second she remembered she sat up and got off him quickly, his body rising as well at her quick removal.

When he found out it was about the test he had assigned, he gripped her Aron gently and pulled her down back to his chest, ignoring her protests and telling her to not worry and that he will take care of it.

Now she knew what he meant by 'taking care of it'. He didn't want her to stress out so he changed the date to give her more time to study.

Opening her book to the assigned page, the sound of a knock at the door sounded out through the room, everyone's head peeking up and looking to the back of the class.

McGonagall walked in calmly, her big eyes searching the room for a specific person. They landed on Coraline, her breath hitching as she thought about the worst thing possible.

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤? 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙝𝙞𝙢-

"Mr. Malfoy do you mind if I borrow Coraline for a moment?" Draco looked at her with no expression, even though he was slightly panicking in the inside. He was confused on why she called her by her first name but let it go.

"Of course." He turned back around to show mo bother but he could feel his heart speeding up at the thought of someone taking her away from him.

He can't lose her.


Coraline gulped and walked behind her headmaster, questions threatening to spill from her mouth. She walked faster, slightly catching up with her and lowering her head down to show respect.

"Not to be rude or anything but- may I ask why I need to follow you to the office?" McGonagall just stayed quiet and abruptly turned a corner making Coraline furrow her brows but keep following her.

She looked back for a second and noticed this was definitely not a way to the office but for an abandoned hallway. She turned her head back around to speak but she was cut off with the tip of a wand to her throat, her back harshly hitting the wall by the force of a hand tightly gripping her arm.

She could feel bile rise in her throat as McGonagalls hair turned into a dark brown, her robes transforming into a dark cloak. Coraline couldn't help but let out a choked sound, her face slightly paling.

"A-Astoria? What are you-", she was cut off with a sting under her chin making her lift it up higher to separate the wand from her skin.

"I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to steal my husband away from me!" She growled lowly, her face inches away from Coraline's.

"But I already stopped seeing him after what he did-", the lie slipped through her teeth as she tried to slip past her unharmed. "He told me he wanted to be with me and then kissed you. I will never forgive him after that."

Astoria seemed to buy it until her eyes adverted to her neck, her jaw clenching at what she saw. The necklace Draco had given her was flipped over, the written message on show.

"You're really going to lie to me when I have the power to kill you?!" Coraline nearly flinched at her louder tone, her head turning to the side to try and make some distance between their faces.

"I should fucking kill you", she suddenly stopped and grabbed her face, making her look at her, "or even worse- I should kill him."

Her eyes widened slightly as she heard the words come out of her mouth, anger filling her veins. She may threaten to kill her, but there was no way she was going to let her threaten Draco.

Kneeing her stomach, she watched as Astoria bent forward and backed away in pain. Coraline immediately slid past her, running her way out of the abandoned hallway in search for help.

"You bitch!" Astoria growled from behind her making her speed up her steps. Turning a corner, she tried to look around in search for someone.

She ran faster, her breath quickening as she slowly lost hope. She could hear Astoria hot on her heels making her eyes fill with tears.

"Silencio!" Astoria shouted, Coraline's body jolting forward slightly as the spell entered her throat. She tried to speak to see if it didn't work but nothing came out. Astoria quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to the nearest wall, tears now falling down Coraline's cheeks.

Astoria was fuming as she kicked Coraline's stomach just like she did to her, making her bend over. She tried to clutch onto her stomach for no other harm to come to it, her body falling to the ground as Astoria pushed her.

Her wand came up, Coraline's mute cries not alerting anyone around the castle. Astoria smiled wickedly as she pointed the wand to her from above.


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