Chapter 58

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"Not yeeettt" Coraline slurred, rubbing her mascara drooped eyes. "C'mon Coraline let's just please go." Aaron spoke, grabbing her by the waist and stopping her from falling to the ground.

"But whyyy." She shrugged, sniffling and grabbing onto the hand around her waist trying to remove it. "I don't see why Scorpius is telling you to help me to my dorm." She moved forward trying to escape.

"I know I know it's just he said he didn't want to face what was in your room." He looked down furrowing his eyebrows. "Don't know what that could be." He said lowly, gripping her tighter. They started to reach her dorm room, her starting to giggle, rubbing her eyes once more.

"Ooooooh it's cause my husband is probably in there." He was quiet, suddenly letting out a confused hum. "Your husband?" She nodded her head, a wide smile rising on her face. Her eyes were about to shut as she spoke.

"Yes yes yes- I have a husband. The bestest one everrrrr." He chuckled, smiling down at her. "That's good that he treats you right." She hummed pushing him away slightly once they reached the door. "I'll be fine- here." Aaron looked at her worriedly, shaking his head.

"No no we have to get you inside." She shook her and got out of his arms, resting her head against the door. She put a finger to her lips, looking up at him droopily.

"I already told you. My husbands in thereeee." He looked around, knowing that if he didn't agree and just leave she wouldn't stop persisting. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair finally nodding.

"Alright fine. I'm coming back in 30 minutes tho and if I see you out here I'm going to take you to my dorm so you don't lay there until sunrise. She hummed, her head dropping to the side.

He hesitated as he left, leaving her on her own. She knew he most likely wasn't in there, but she couldn't just ask Aaron to take her to his office when they all knew he was a profesor.

She pulled out her phone, squinting her eyes and calling the only number that was in her contacts. She could hear the line ring not even once before he responded. She didn't even let him say a word, a happy gasp leaving her lips.

"My baby!" She slurred giggling through the line, hearing Draco stand up from where he was at. "Where are you, Coraline?" She groaned in dissatisfaction at hearing her full name leave his lips, pouting.

"It's my love, darling, Lina, or aaanything you want except my full name." She hiccuped. "That's a no no from me." He sighed, clearing his throat.

"Can you just tell me where you are exactly, my devious little girl?" She giggled at the name, biting her lip. "You-", she layed on the floor, a smile on her face. "You make me sooooo wet."

"Oh really?" She hummed, sitting back up and successfully standing up. "Fuck", she groaned, almost falling over.

"I-I almost fell to the ground so hard almost as hard as I fell for you." She giggled, taking off her heels and leaving them in front of her dorm rooms door.

She could hear him walking down the halls, the echos letting her know he had already left his room.

The footsteps were suddenly heard in front of her, her letting out a squeal and jumping into his arms, him having to catch her. She started peppering kisses all over his neck, Draco trying to resist as much as he can. He wasn't going to do anything with her when she's not in her right mind. He'll take care of her tomorrow.

Her lips suddenly pressed against his, him not kissing her back. She whined, kissing his lips once more.

"Coraline-." "Kiss me back." He didn't listen, silently reaching his room before anyone had caught them. He shut the door, going towards the bed and laying her on it. He started to unbutton his shirt, his pants coming off after. He was left in his boxers, hearing a low gasp leave Coraline's lips. He looked at her tousled figure, her already out of her dress and only left in her emerald green lace set.

Instead of laying on the bed with her, he laid on the couch across, putting a blanket over him. "Come to bed with me." He spared her a glance and turned off the lights with a swish of his wand, not speaking back to her. He was kind of pissed at the fact that she hadn't spoken to him kindly earlier, her knowing that he didn't like the idea of her and Aaron alone. And now she had gotten completely wasted at a party in which Aaron had spent all night with her.

"Dracoooo", he could hear her get up from the bed, knowing she was going to go to the couch where he was at. He felt her get on top of him, bringing her head down, and resting it on the crook of his neck. He lifted her up slightly, sighing as he brought the blanket from below her and covered her with it. She snuggled herself deeper into him, her words coming out tiredly.

"I love you so so much." He turned his head slightly, kissing her temple. "I love you so so much too." He felt her kiss his neck, her body slumping letting him know she fell asleep.

He rubbed circles on her back, his jaw ticking.
She definitely had it coming tomorrow.

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