Chapter 28

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(Finally posted this chapter after keeping y'all waiting 😏 I'll be posting about books I recommend and some new ones of my own. Hope y'all enjoy this SMUTTY chapter <3)

Removing her shirt, Coraline revealed the rest of her lingerie, his eyes taking in her body fully.

"Like what you see?" She spoke seductively, her back arching to tease him even more. He gulped, nodding his head and looking at her closely.

She grabbed his jaw and forced his eyes to advert to hers, "use your words." His mouth gaped open at her words as he tried to focus on them and not the painful throbbing feeling on his dick.

"Yes. You look beautiful." She smirked and leaned down, her breath fanning over his neck as she kissed it softly. He groaned and clenched his fists, wanting nothing more than to touch her.

Bending her ass up she lowered her kisses on his body, now trailing them on his v-line. He almost let out a sound, it being nearly impossible with the way she was teasing him.

Moving down to his dick, she looked up at him and blew on it, enjoying the feeling of him squirming under her. She grazed her lips up his veiny dick, a sound of desperation leaving his lips.

She removed herself completely, his body writhing is dissatisfaction. "What's wrong, baby? Is there something you want?"

He groaned, knowing she wanted him to beg for her to please him. "Hm?" She tilted her head and waited for his response, rubbing her pussy on his thigh.

"Are you going to beg for me?" She spoke softly, pouting when she saw an angered look on his face. He almost growled when she grabbed his jaw and forced him to keep his eyes on her.

"Beg for it." His chest heaved as he looked at her, his fists clenching tightly. She moved her hips on his dick, his mouth gaping open slightly. "I'm not going to repeat myself."

Tilting his head back, he looked at the ceiling and then back at her. "Please." She bent down once again and kissed his neck, her hand wrapping around his hard dick making a gasp leave his lips.

She stroked him up and down, lifting her hips up and sitting down on him. Her back immediately arched the second he entered her, a groan leaving both their lips.

"Fuck-", he moaned his back slightly arching as well. He tugged at his binds once again, his eyes shutting as he threw his head back.

"Oh baby", he let out, his voice coming out low, "shit." She bounced on him quickly, the sounds of their body connecting sounding throughout room.

Looking down at him with hooded eyes she gripped his throat tightly, his eyes focusing on hers. "Who do you belong to", she questioned him as she jumped even faster on him, arousal dripping down to his hips.

"I belong to-", he hesitated but gave in to the pleasure she was letting him endure, "I belong to you."

A sort of pleasure ran through her body at his words, the feeling of it making her feel powerful.

His legs started to shake under her indicating he was close to finishing. She suddenly lifted her lips, her hand going to her clit to not lose her own orgasm.

He cried out and arched his back off the bed, the feeling of being so close but not allowed to cum making him crazy.

She touched herself, her hands definitely not feeling the same than the thickness from his large dick.

He whimpered at the loss of feeling, desperation crawling up his back as he focused his needy eyes on her messy figure.

She looked at him with a cocky smirk, her eyes almost fluttering shut at the feeling building up in her.

A thin layer of sweat coated his body as he withered around, the feeling of his orgasm fading away.

"Is the feeling leaving, baby?" He nodded with a droopy look, tilting his head back to look at her in the eye.

"Please m-mommy I need you." She slid down on him at his words, moaning at the feeling of him in her once again.

She moved her hips in different motions, him noticing that she was spelling out  her name on dick. She started jumping once again, her breasts bouncing at the movement. He stared at them with hunger, licking his sweaty lips as he moved his eyes with them.

Leaning to the side, she grabbed her wand and untied him, his hands flying brown to her hips. He gripped her ass and growled, pulling her forward.

Her breasts were right in front of him, one of his hands coming up and ripping the top of her lingerie. She gasped as he twirled a nipple with his two fingers, his mouth on the other one giving it attention as well.

Fluttering her eyes closed in pleasure, she rocked her hips forward, the feeling making him groan against her breast. She moved her hand up and fisted his hair, breathlessly pushing her mouth to his ear.

"Cum for me", she whispered, his body jerking as a soft attractive moan exited his lips. She came around him at the sound, her body trembling on top of him.

Her body dropped on top of his, their sweaty modus molting together. Their hearts were rapidly beating, both of them just experiencing the best orgasm of their life.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her body closer to his chest. She rubbed her cheek against it, her eyes shutting in comfort.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩. Her eyes flew open as she sat up, his body getting alert at the movement. "What happened?" He pressed his palm against her cheek, her hand reaching under the bed and grabbing the small box that rolled under it.

Pulling it out, she bit her lip in nervousness but put it in his hand anyways. "I got you it last minute so it isn't the best but I really hope you like it."

He tilted his head and looked at her with a gentle expression, "you didn't have to get me anything, my darling. I already have everything I've ever wanted right in front of me."

She ignored his protests and looked at him sternly, "open it." He looked down at it once again and opened it, the shimmer of the ring glistening in his eye.

Staring at the plain silver ring, he smiled lightly, "I love it-", she scoffed and took it out of his hands, pressing it against his lips harshly.

He looked at her with a shocked expression but it quickly changed when she showed him the ring once again. He looked at it with an unclear emotion in his eye, nervousness crawling up her throat at the reaction.

"Do you like it? If you don't it's fine I can just try to return it-", she was about to snatch it out of his hands before he brought her in for a kiss.

She instantly moved her lips against his, grazing her hand against his cheek. Separating their lips, a smile rose on her face hand she saw the look on his face.

Pecking his lips one last time, she bit her lip and watched as he slipped it on. "Do you really like it?" He looked at her with his lips parted, shaking his head to snap out of his quick daze and nodded. "I love it, Coraline."

She smiled widely and pulled out something from the cabinet, handing it to him. He chuckled at the item, looking at her with a shake of his head.

"How'd you get this?" She looked at it once again and watched as he slipped his other ring on his other hand. "I found it in your cabinet- I kinda snuck in and took it to get your ring size."

He chuckled and kissed her cheek, pulling back and rubbing his index finger against her jaw. "Thank you, my love." She nodded and kissed his hand, a yell catching their attention.

"Scorpius! Where's your dad?!" Astoria yelled, Coraline glaring at her through the door. She looked back at him, frowning when she noticed he had to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" She nodded and looked down as she heard him pull on his clothes quickly, not wanting Astoria to suspect anything.

He turned around before he left and walked to the bed, kissing her one last time before opening and shutting the door after him.

She smiled and touched her lips, the feeling of his still on hers still present.

A weird feeling was bubbling up in her stomach but she just ignored it and got up to fix her room to go to bed.

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