Chapter 40

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Smoke filled the room as Coraline inhaled her second blunt. She was completely gone the second Scorpius handed her the stuff.

More than half of the bottle was already drank, and there was only a little bit of weed left for her to smoke.

A smile was imprinted on her face as she looked around her room with hooded eyes, the world spinning in her vision.

She suddenly gasped and got up with a wobble, her hands having to press against the wall for a split second to not fall down to the ground. She opened the door to her room and walked out quickly, looking around as if she had never seen such a beautiful common room.

As she made her way out, she walked down the deserted corridors with a hum, her eyes almost shutting as she made her way to the destination.

Walking through the hallway with a small laugh, she tiptoed to make herself sound quieter although it was just making her look like a fool. She opened the door to the room as if it was her own and shut it behind her loudly, cursing with a wide smile at the sound.

Turning around, she awed when she saw the familiar bed in front of her and threw herself on it. She buried her head into the soft blankets, grabbing a pillow and hugging it.

The sound of the shower getting turned off made her sigh, the silence making her body relax. She clutched the pillow tighter, inhaling the faint smell of it. The door to the bathroom opened, the sound of footsteps faltering passing by her ears.

She rubbed her eyes, looking up from the side of the bed to see Draco stare at her with his face void of any emotion. She squealed and sat up, kneeling on the side of the bed and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He was only wearing a towel around his waist, his upper body dripping with water droplets. She didn't seem to care as she clung onto him tightly, not planning on letting him go. He moved his hands to the sides of her waist, barely making contact with her.

"What are you doing here Coraline?" She just hummed and kissed his neck lightly, inhaling his scent from the crook of his neck.

"I miss you." She slurred into his neck, her eyes fluttering ever so lightly. She was so exhausted- she just wanted to lay in his arms and have him comfort her.

"You can't be here." He mumbled softly making her let out a sound in protest. He heard her sniffle at his words making him regret for ever trying to stay away from her. But he knew it was for her own good.

"Coraline", he inhaled deeply and clenched his jaw to stop the burning in his throat. "You have to leave." She shook her head into his neck, tears falling from her eyes to his neck.

A choked sob left her lips as she moved her head back, looking at him with bloodshot eyes. He had to pull himself together to not reach out his hand and wipe her tears away.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" Her body shook slightly as she cried, her hands digging into his shoulders to not have him back away.

He just looked at her blankly, trying his best to stay calm. "I'm doing this for your own good Coraline. I'm not going to risk you getting hurt just so we can be together."

"We can find a way- just like we did before!" He shook his head and held her hips tighter, not letting her cling onto him. "She found out before Coraline. What makes you think she won't find out this time as well?"

She dug her nails in his shoulders, not letting him part her away from him any further. "We'll be more careful Draco- I promise." He inhaled deeply and looked to the side, clenching his jaw.

"Do you just not love me anymore?" She said lowly, unsure if he heard her or not. He grabbed onto her words and turned his head to her, looking at her with a shake of his head.

"I do Coraline- so much", she let out a breath and shut her eyes lightly, trying to move forward but his hands stopping her.

"And it's so much that I can't risk you getting hurt any longer because of me. I won't allow it." Her breathing was ragged as she shook her head, her arms moving to his face.

"This can't be goodbye. I won't let it be."

He gulped and leaned in, his eyes glistening with tears as he pressed his forehead with hers.

"Goodbye for now, my love."

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