Chapter 43

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Scorpius ran to Draco, ripping his hands off of her and shoving him back. He inspected his nearly naked figure and looked at him with horror, not believing what he was looking at.

"What the fuck were you doing!" He turned to Coraline and covered her body, watching as she woke up because of all the yelling. Her eyes widened as she sat up, seeing scorpius bend down in the corner of the bed.

"Did he touch you, Lina-." Draco grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, backing him away from her. "Do you really think that low of me?!" He screamed in his sons face, the thought of him believing he would rape Coraline having him fume in anger.

"Stop!" Coraline yelled as she stood up with the blanket around her, standing in front of both of them with tears in the brink of falling. "He didn't touch me without my permission Scorpius." He shoved Draco away, making him release his collar.

"What are you saying Coraline?" It pained her to hear him call her by her full name, but she just stayed calm and inhaled deeply to not show him how scared she was of loosing her best friend.

Draco wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, Scorpius's face paling at the action. "Don't fucking tell me."

"Scorpius please-." He ran out of the room, Coraline wanting to speed over to him and explain, but Draco's hand was holding her back from doing so. She cried lowly, tearing running down her cheeks.

Draco turned her around and picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. Scorpius had always been there for her even when everything with her mom happened. So loosing him is like ripping out a piece of her heart.

"He- he hates me Draco." She sobbed into his chest. "I just lost my best friend." He pressed her against his chest, running his hand up and down her spine.

"No baby, you didn't lose him. Just give him time to come around." He didn't know if he was trying to convince her or himself. She clutched onto him tightly as he laid back onto the bed, her head coming up to look into his eyes.

"How are you so sure?" He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, letting his touch linger. "I'm not. But if he was truly your friend, then he would accept our relationship and let you be happy with whoever you want to be with." She sniffled and looked down to his chest, tracing their now matching scars.

"Relationship?" She spoke softly, looking up and catching the light pink tint that covered his cheeks. "I-", she cut him off with a slam of her lips against his, not letting him finish his sentence. She pulled back, resting her forehead against his.

"You better not try to leave me again." He shook his head slightly, pecking her lips. "Because you have no idea what I would do to you when I find you." He hummed, kissing her lips once again, his cock rising at her dark words.

"Tell me, love. What do you want to do to me?" She removed the blanket from her body, the large scar visible in the bright light of the room. She leaned down to his ear, his eyes planted on the arch of her back as she moved.

"How about you read my thoughts and see exactly what I'm talking about?" He backed away slightly, his hooded eyes staring deep into hers.

Different emotions went through his mind as he took a peak at hers, lust being the main one. He could see her riding his cock, both their body's slick with sweat as she stared down at him with a look of dominance. Her hand suddenly came down on his mouth to stop his moans, embarrassment flooding his cheeks as he zoomed out of her head.

A smirk was planted on her lips as she grounded her hips on his, his mouth gaping open as she rolled them just right. "How about I give you a little preview, hm?"

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