Chapter 56

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"In the middle of the year?" Scorpius nodded, Coraline watching his leg bounce under the table in anxiousness. They were sat at the Hufflepuff table, watching the others throw food around the table. "That's not even important- what's important is the fact that I have a quidditch game on Friday and im freaking out." He dropped the fork onto the plate, all of them watching him stress out over nothing, knowing that he always does then and ends up winning.

"I just don't want to ever lose a match, you know? My dad use to play it and has pictures hanging around the house showing me how good he actually was. He was brutal, but good." Coraline couldn't help but imagine Draco being mad if he lost a game, the thought making her cross her leg on top of the other.

"Scorpius you'll be fine I promise. You're the best player from the Slytherin team and Gryffindor team." Eli nodded, gently running his fingers through the ends of Faye's hair, her head resting against his chest.

"I know but I'm still nervous." Coraline looked at him in understanding, smiling softly at him. "And it's completely fine to be nervous." She suddenly gasped, a wide smile growing on her face. "Do you have any spare jerseys? The three of us should wear one!" Scorpius chuckled, nodding. "I may have a few."

The sound of someone knocking on a glass cup was heard, everyone's attention getting caught. Coraline looked towards the teachers table seeing Draco sit there, his eyes trained on her. She didn't know if he had been staring at her since the start, but she hoped he was.

"As you all may know, there's a new student coming in", McGonagall spoke. "He is welcome here like any other, any negative comments will be sorted out with consequences." The sorting hat was placed on the wooden seat, everyone going quiet and turning towards the door as it opened, a guy with magenta hair striding in.

Coraline stared at him, his different colored hair standing out to her. The sorting hat was placed on his head as he sat down, his face blank as he looked straight forward.

"Hm I see... brave, but loyal and kind. Very well! Hufflepuff!" The Hufflepuff table cheered as he stood up and walked to the table they were sat in, them watching him sit alone in the very end. Coraline looked to the others, feeling bad for the guy.

"Can we invite him over?" They all nodded, all agreeing that he looked pleasant to be around. Coraline stood up and went to where he was sat, him looking up and seeing a small smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Coraline. Would you like to come sit with me and my friends." He looked to where she was pointing, looking back to her and smiling. He stood up, following her as she sat down where she was before. He sat next to her, giving the others a half lipped smile.

"Hi, my names Aaron. Thank you for inviting me over." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, Scorpius speaking up. "It's no big deal. Now it's three guys against two girls." Aaron smiled at what he said, noticing that he said three guys because they consider him as one of their friends already.

"You're hair is so beautiful. Are you a Metamorphmagus?" He shook his head, chuckling.

"Not really. I just love going crazy with different hair colors." She grinned, taking in his full appearance. "You would not look bad with dark red hair." He shrugged, running his fingers through his semi-long curly hair. "Believe it or not I've done almost all the colors except that one."

"That's a sign you should dye it that color." He nodded, giving her a look as if she was right. "Now that you said that, I actually should." She smiled widely, suddenly hearing a set chuckle in her head. She merely flinched, knowing exactly who it was. She rolled her eyes, knowing that he was jealous.

'Don't roll your eyes at me, darling. You and I both know that if you were in my position you would get as mad as I am.'

"Ophelia, right?" She snapped back into reality, nodding with a smile. "How about we both go to the shop after classes and buy the hair dye." Ophelia gasped in excitement, not believing he was actually going to do it just because she thought it would look good.

"Of course! Let me see your schedule." He dug his hand into his pocket, pulling out the crumbled paper. She looked over his schedule, gasping after seeing they had all of their classes together.

"We have all our classes together!" He hummed, getting closer and looking at the same sheet of paper with her. "Really?" She nodded looking up to him. "Now I can have someone to walk with to class all the time!"

'Don't get his hopes up.' She looked down to her plate, clenching her jaw at his jealousy filled tone. 'I'm not, actually. I walk with him if I want to.' Coraline usually loved how jealous and possessive he could get, but in this case she knew he was just over exaggerating because Aaron showed no signs of liking her whatsoever.

"Let's go go class guys." They all stood up, Coraline sparing a glance at Draco from across the room and seeing his eyes holding a dark look.

It shouldn't be good to get him all riled up, but fuck did she love bothering him.

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