Chapter 5

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The bell rang as the students stood up from their seats, hurriedly walking out of the so called torture.

Coraline was completely despising her next class. After what Professor Malfoy did that to her paled and she walked out after fixing it she didn't want to see his face.

At least she's showed him that he can't mess with her.

She opened the door to his class and sat at the very back, aware of his dark gaze. She would be lying if she said it didn't turn her on.

The others student came in a second after her, setting their bags on the ground just like her.

Faye entered last, her tired eyes searching the room for her best friend. Coraline waved and smiled at her letting her know where she was.

"Mind telling me why you're so tired?" Faye just started taking her stuff out as a smirk grew on Coraline's face. "Is the sudden tiredness a doing of a certain Hufflepuff boy?" Her eyes widened as she gave her a side eyes, a grumble leaving her lips. Coraline just giggled and put her palm under her chin.

Faye suddenly sat up and gulped, looking forward. She furrowed her brows and looked at the same direction only to see Mr. Malfoy's hips in front of her desk.

𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩.

She moved her eyes up with a gulp, his eyebrows raising as he watched her carefully.

"Is my class that boring for you to be talking when I'm teaching?" He said with a sour tone. Her lip curled up as she looked around to the others who were now staring.

She knew he was doing this on purpose because the others were also chatting.

"Not to be rude or anything but can't you see that the others are talking or are you just targeting me?"

His jaw clenched as some students giggled, her head tilting sideways to show him that she knew he was doing this to bother her.

"And what makes you think your so special for me to be wanting to focus my attention on you?"

A chuckle left her lips as she looked up at him innocently. "I don't know, you tell me.."

He resisted the urge to grab her and fuck the attitude out of her.

He hummed and turned back around. "Stay after class Ms. Lennox, I'll like to have a word with you and Headmaster McGonagall about your attitude."

That for sure made her face drop. McGonagall could completely expel her! And then she'll have to go him to her mom and her disgusting husband!

Everyone stayed quiet as they looked at her with some sort of pity. She didn't notice though. Her full attention was on Professor Malfoy who was looking directly into her eyes.

'𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚 𝙜𝙤 𝙈𝙨. 𝙇𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙭?'

The voice boomed in her head as she clenched her fists under the desk. She didn't answer him back and just looked down to the desk.

Oh he'll show her to not ignore him..


"Class is dismissed. Remember to write your five paragraphs before Friday." All the students piled out as Faye side hugged Coraline's shoulders and walked out.

Now it was only the two of them.

She walked over to the front of his desk and stood there with her arms crossed.

He looked up at her angry figure and smirked lightly, dropping his quill onto the desk.

"Trying to embarrass me in front of everyone hm?" He said with a raised eyebrow. She gulped and stayed still, his grey eyes focused on hers.

"So when's the meeting going to be?" She said sourly. He looked her up and down and tilted his head.

"Do you want there to be a date?" She bit her cheek and shook her head no, her nails digging into her skin in anxiousness.

His smirk widened as he spread his legs, her eyes looking down at his pants with a gaping mouth. She really couldn't deny the attraction towards him.

Her breath hitched as she found herself unconsciously moving forward and standing directly in front of him.

They both completely dismissed the fact that what they were doing was forbidden as she stepped even closer to him.

All of the thoughts were erased from their minds as he brought his hand up and pulled her down to his lap, crashing their lips together.

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