Chapter 46

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A knock sounded out through Coraline's currently empty room, a low breath leaving her lips as the conversation from yesterday kept repeatedly going on in her mind.

"Go away." She spoke out, her voice cracking from not using it. She assumed it was Draco at the door, considering he wouldn't stop knocking and trying to get in with his wand. Luckily she knew a spell to keep him out entirely.

"It's me." She shot up at the sound of Scorpius's voice, wiping her tears as she stood up, not even bothering to slip on her slippers as she made herself to the door.

Only opening a slit to the door, she looked at his expression to see if he was fuming at her. His face was calm, his eyes holding an unclear emotion. She opened the door wider, letting him walk in. He scratched the back of his head as he walked in, sitting down on her bed and looking around the room.

"Did you need anything?" She spoke in a whisper, fumbling with her hands in front of her. He looked at her disheveled figure, biting the inside of his cheek.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened to you." He let out, watching as she shook her head and looked down, now pinching herself. "And I forgive you."

"You don't have to forgive me just because you feel bad with everything that happened to me." He stood up and walked to her, watching as she backed up slightly.

"What I did was really bad like", she sucked in a ragged breath, "really bad. I completely crossed the line and I understand why you got so pissed at me. I don't blame you if you hate me, I would hate myself too." He shook his head and bent down slightly, getting into her view.

"I can't hate you, Lina." She relaxed at the nickname, her shoulders slumping. "If you're happy with him, then I'll learn to be happy for you guys. I love you, and I want you to live your life with whoever you want. And if he's the one, then stay with him. I'll come around." He brought her her into his embrace, her arms instantly wrapping around his comforting figure.

"Thank you." She mumbled in a muffle into his chest, burying her head into his shirt. He hugged her tighter, letting go afterwards and looking down at her questionably.

"Did anyone else know before I found out?" His tone was light, so she knew he wouldn't be angry if he found out Eli knew. "Yes." He sat back on the bed, a small grin growing on his lips.

"Let me guess. Eli." She bit her lip and nodded, getting close to the bed and sitting down next to him. He chuckled and leaned down, his palm holding the weight of his head.

"Knew it. At least you didn't tell Faye, the whole school would know by now." She let out a small smile, laying back against the bed.

"Where's my dad now?" She shrugged, looking up to the ceiling with guilt. "I don't know. He's been knocking at my door since yesterday but Ive felt too guilty to open it." She could see him nod out of the corner of her eye, silence filling the room.

"You should go talk to him." He muttered out, her head turning sideways to look at him. "I know you said you'll come around, but I still feel bad." He smiled softly and looked at her reassuringly.

"I'll be alright." He stood up after he spoke, her following after. "I'm hoping I'll see you at dinner?" She nodded, watching him walk out the door and down the dormitory. She let out a breath and ran a hand through her hair, the other one wiping her face from any dried up tears.

Walking out of the room, she made her way to his office where she knew he was before she regretted it. Before she knew it she was standing in front of his office, her breath hitching as she knocked on it three times.

"Come in." He mumbled from behind the door, nervousness filling her entire body. She opened the door softly, his head shooting up once he heard it wasn't a teacher.

"Hi." She spoke in a whisper. He just hummed, looking back down like nothing. She walked closer to his desk, standing right next to him and staying still.

"I'm sorry." She watched as he kept writing, the veins bulging out of his hand. "I didn't know what i was going to say the next time I was going to look at you. I-." She was in his lap in a second, her legs on either side of his body. She gasped, looking at his angered expression.

"You're sorry? How did you think I felt when you said your feelings for me so-", he clenched his teeth in frustration and anger, trying to control himself from devouring her, "so passionately and then blocked me out, hm?" She stumbled over her words, feeling her back hit the desk as he pressed her upper back against it, his hands gripping her thighs tightly.

"I didn't know if you still felt the same way after everything-." He shut her up with a harsh kiss, her lips moving against his. He suddenly separated their lips, one of his hands fisting her hair. "So you think it's okay to ignore me?" Her mouth was gaped, the words leaving her lips quickly. "I just didn't want to get heartbroken."

He groaned and kissed her roughly, tasting her lips like it was a drug. "And who said I was going to break your heart?" He muttered into the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her open mouth.

"Sorry-." He slapped her thigh, digging his fingers into it afterwards.

"Stop fucking apologizing." She sighed into the kiss, forcing their lips impossibly more together. Running her hands through his hair, she played with it, hearing him growl and lift her hips up slightly with one hand, the other unbuckling his pants and lowering them down as well as his boxers, her joggers also getting removed.

"How about I teach you a lesson, hm?"

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