Chapter 53

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I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a long time but school started and it's been a mess


Welp I hope you all enjoy this chapter

I love y'all <3333


"We'll I don't give a fuck- he can go sleep with his new assistant or some shit." Coraline was mumbling angrily under her breath about earlier, not liking Draco's class helper one bit. She was walking towards the apparition site, desperately craving some butterbeer.

It was still class time, so barely no one was out except those who were skipping their classes. She didn't even think through the consequences of not telling Draco where she was going, and pulled out her wand. She stood still once she reached the desired spot, mumbling Apparate under her breath. She could feel bile rise in her throat at the movement, groaning once she landed in Hogsmeade.

Walking into the three broomsticks which was only a few feet away, she heard the bell ring as she opened the door, the warm sweet smelling air hitting her nose. She sat down in the nearest empty booth, a nice elderly lady quickly taking her order.

As she waited, she couldn't help but feel sort of excited at how Draco will react. She bit her lip, a small smirk growing on her face. She couldn't wait to see his priceless reaction.


Wandering through the deserted hall, she gripped her wand once again once she reached Draco's dorm, making sure to stay silent. She moved her wand in the motion only she and Draco know of, others that might want to go in not being able to.

The room was dark, the only soft light in the room being from the moonlight in the window. Her eyebrows furrowed, wondering where Draco could be if it wasn't in his room considering she already saw the lights to his office turned off.

It made her kind of mad that he wasn't in this room, the thought of him sleeping with his assistant clouding her mind.

"Fucking dick. He could stay with that random ass woman for all I care." Her back was slammed against the door, the room still dark as she winced in pain. She could see Draco's silhouette deep into the darkness, his hand snaked around her waist and keeping her intact. He flicked on the lights, a low gasp leaving her lips at how he looked.

His eyes were hooded with anger, the mere sight making her panties pool and excitement grow deep inside her.

"I'm only going to ask you once." She had never heard him this mad. "Where the fuck were you?" She gulped and stayed still, hearing her heart beating in her ears.

"Out." Draco chuckled dryly, his hand pressing her against the wall tighter. His body was pressed onto hers, no space left in between them.

"You want me to be mad." He said in an obvious tone, feeling her try to squirm against him. He put his lips less than an inch apart, feeling her breath heavier. "You want me to fuck you like a slut for what you did." She could feel the air thicken around them, a whimper nearly leaving her lips at his words.

He suddenly backed up, his face turning cold. "I guess you can dream about it." She stayed against the wall in shock, watching as he grabbed his coat, his wand in his back pocket. She watched him walk towards the door, gulping in need.

"W-where are you going?" He opened the door, turning around with an evil glint in his eye.


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