Chapter 38

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Coraline was sat in Herbology, writing notes as Professor Longbottom spoke.

"And if you ever find a bouncing bulb try your best to contain it because it could bounce all over the place and lose control- but your lucky if it's a baby one. Those are easier to stop them from bouncing."

Dropping her pen, she massaged her wrist slightly from how quickly she wrote everything he had said from the beginning of the class nonstop. She leaned back against the chair and let out a breath, her sunken eyes reaching the front of the class.

She had barely slept since heat happened to her. She was scared Astoria was going to come back for her and actually kill her. Just like she did to her baby.

Aside from the deep fear, Draco had been distant with her since that day she started sobbing in his room. He had barely come to see her, or even asked if she wanted to sleep with him.

Intruding was not something she did, so she just dropped it and gave him space. She knew it could be that he was also upset because of the baby but it was hers as well so she wanted him with her. She needed him with her these past few days.

"Class is done for the day- remember to study for next weeks test!" She packed up her books and walked out quickly, wanting nothing more than to go to her room and shower under hot water.

She made her way to her dorm, staring down at the floor as she walked quietly. She barely talked with her friends anymore either. Only Eli who knew what happened. He had been there for her when Draco wasn't.

Opening the door to her room, she lifted her head and made eye contact with a standing up Draco who looked like he was waiting for her.

A real smile rose on her face as she saw him, dropping her books and making her way to him. She was going to hug him until he moved back, looking at her with wide eyes.

Her heart cracked when she saw him back away. He had never leaned away from her touch- was he tired of her already?

Moving her hands back, she gulped and pressed them against her skirt. "How have you been?" Her voice came out low as she tried to keep it from wavering.

"We can't see each other anymore. We won't." Her heart completely shattered at his words. She looked up at him, stunned at his words.

"W-what?" He looked at her with no emotion but she could see him try to hold his tears back. "You don't mean that-"

"I do. I'm not going to let you get hurt because of me, so we're done." He spoke so calmly that he made her believe he just didn't want her anymore.

Her face was panicked as she looked at him with disbelief, her breathing quickening.

"Please don't leave me Draco", she walked to him quickly and before he could even blink, her arms were wrapped around his waist. Her sobs were muffled into his shirt as she buried her head in his chest.

He didn't want to make it harder for either of them so he didn't hug her back and just kept his hands at his sides.

"I need you- I can't lose you too." She hugged him tighter, her body shaking against him. He gripped her arms and moved her back slightly, her words making him shatter.

"If- if this is because of the baby then we'll have another one just don't go." His heart broke at her words, not believing that she thought he only wanted to be with her because of the baby.

She kept trying to move forward and hug him again but his grip was too firm. He couldn't let her get to him or he would completely break down. "What happened to always and forever- you told me you would never leave me-!"

He shook her slightly making her stop and look at him, her cheeks wet with tears. "Astoria won't stop trying to hurt you until I leave you. We can't keep our relationship a secret because she somehow found out last time- I'm not going to risk it happening again", he stopped and inhaled deeply, his eyes turning icy cold.

"So we. Are. Over." He let go of her and walked past her, not sparing a glance at her stunned figure and leaving her life.

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