Chapter 10

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"Come on Faye just sit down." I groaned, pushing her down by her shoulders next to Eli. "Mind watching over her?" I questioned, pointing at a giggling Faye that was throwing herself everywhere.

"Yup, you go-", he coughed, lowering the blunt under the table once again, "find Scorpius." I thanked him lowly and strode into the crowd once again.

The dance was soon going to start so I needed to find him quick. Eli and Faye already decided that they're not going to do it and just have some fun at the table. I on the other hand am really stoked to do the fancy dance.

I've been wanting to dance like this since I was a little girl in my navy bedroom. My eyes searched the crowd, looking for a patch of platinum hair.

I finally spotted the silvery hair, my steps faltering once I saw a different mask on his face. I stood completely still when I saw who it actually was. Malfoy stood with his arm was wrapped around her waist as he stared off, the woman smiling and speaking to others.

The song changed along with the whole atmosphere as they all got into partners. The woman let go of the drink in her hand and turned to him, grabbing the back of his neck and kissing him.

I couldn't lie and say it didn't sting a little. I knew what we had meant nothing but I thought they weren't together anymore. My mind was fuzzy as I stared at them with slight jealousy, wishing it was me he was kissing and not her.

Maybe it's just the firewhisky talking.

His eyes suddenly moved up, spotting my stunned figure in the center of the hall. He kept them on me, gulping and wrapping his hands around her waist tighter, her own on his shoulders.

I stumbled slightly, my back hitting a hard chest. I turned around to find Scorpius staring down at me with a wide grin. "Care for a dance, m'lady?"

I shook my head and nodded with a chuckle, masking my emotions to not make him worry. His warm hands wrapped around my waist as I wrapped my own around his shoulders. I gulped down the forming lump in my throat as we started swaying to the music.

The song 'Back to Black by Amy Winehouse' rang throughout the room, the song making me slightly relax at how beautiful it was. Everyone moved in sync through the hall, our steps moving accordingly.

"Lina I forgot to mention but we have to switch partners-"

Before I could react I was spun into someone else's arms. My eyes widened as I tried to catch a view of Scorpius, wanting to send him a glare. 𝙊𝙝 𝙜𝙤𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜.

The feeling of cold hands around my waist was what brought my attention back. I looked up to see who my new partner was, my eyes widening even more once I saw the familiar mask. "Malfoy?"

His face was kept serious as I looked away from him and back at Scorpius. He was dancing with the woman- well his mom, his attention rather on me. He was mouthing numbers to me, indicating that if was time to spin back. I nodded and tried to back away to spin away, everyone doing the same.

Malfoy's hands stayed tight on my waist, the woman and Scorpius furrowing their brows at his unfaltering moves. "Let me go." He didn't listen, his dark eyes trained on me as i clenched my jaw and looked down.

"You look beautiful," He spoke lowly so only I can hear. I immediately looked back up into his eyes, rolling my eyes and glaring at him. "I know."

It was time for another spin so I pushed him back, his arms leaving my waist and spun back to Scorpius. He was waiting for me with open arms, his faces filled with slight confusion. "Why's my dad acting so weird?" I shrugged, gulping nervously. "Don't know.."


"Stop it! Get back in bed. Now." She pouted and laid back in bed dizzily, mumbling incoherent words under her breath.

Faye was a complete disaster. The party ended and we all went back to bed after saying goodbye. Well- they went to bed.

I laid down on my own bed, keeping the light in to watch her closely. I sighed and pressed my head against the soft pillow, shutting my eyes to get rid of this horrid day.

"Lina?" Faye slurred, my eyes opening at her voice. "Yes?"

"Can I sleep with you?" I smiled lightly at her request and sat up only to see her sitting up as well. "Come here.."

She giggled happily and got off the bed, almost falling over before laying down next to me. I ran my ding red through her hair, her eyes shutting at the movement.

"I- I love you..", she mumbled sleepily, a smile on my face as I kissed her forehead. "I love you too.."

Her little smile fell indicating she feel asleep in the next second, my fingers still running through her hair in a calming motion.

My eyes started feeling heavy as I erased all of the negative thoughts from my mind, my hand going limp on her head.

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