Chapter 33

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Draco's sunken eyes stared at the wall blankly as he took in his wife's words.

"If I find out you've talked to her", she stopped, lowering her voice to intimidate him, "you already know what I'll do."

Astoria had told him that if he in any way got near Coraline she would destroy her future. Of course it didn't matter because if they ended up together he would provide for her- but he knew she wanted to be someone important in the world.

She wanted to be the best healer out there. She loved the thought of helping others after they got injured and make them feel better. The job would make her realize she was the complete opposite of her mother. That she actually cared about others and not only herself.

Draco couldn't bear crush her dreams. She noticed how her face lit up when they talked about if once. It brought a smile of his own when he saw the bright look on her face.

He just walked past her and walked out of their bedroom, making his way downstairs. He held a cold look on his face as he crossed his arms behind his back, watching as they all got their luggage ready to leave.

His shoes clicked against the shiny ground, alerting everyone of his entrance. He looked over to Coraline for a split second and watched as she adverted her sad eyes to the ground.

𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙚. If he had to get on his knees for her forgiveness, he would in a heartbeat. It didn't matter what she wanted from him. He would give it to her. As long as she was his again.

"Ready to go?" They all nodded except Coraline who was gripping her luggage tightly, her knuckles white from her grip. He moved his way to them and hoped he could get a hold of one of her hands before anyone else did.

Their hands almost connected before Eli swooped in and held it, giving Draco a deadly stare. That was his way of telling him that he knows and to stay away from her. He just moved to the other side and gripped Scorpius's hand, his voice coming out as a mumble as he whispered 'apparate' under his breath.

Landing outside of Hogwarts, Coraline couldn't help but take in the sight of the castle she called home. The sight of it always left her mesmerized.

Draco took a peek at her and almost relaxed at the soft look present on her face. At that moment he wished it was directed to him.

Confusion washed over his features as he watched her look down and her face turn as white as paper. He didn't understand- she'd apparated before with him and she'd never looked like she was about to pass out.

"Coraline?" The serious hushed voice of Eli was heard as he shook her slightly. She grabbed his forearm and nodded at something he said, Draco getting slightly angered at the lack of knowing.

Eli wrapped his arm around her waist and led her forward, Scorpius and Faye standing there dumbfounded. "She doesn't look too well." Faye mumbled to Scorpius, them sharing a knowing look as she'd walked forward with their luggage trailing behind them.

If only he could follow behind and see what was going on with his girl. He wanted to bring her into his arms and kiss her forehead as he mumbled sweet words into her ear to let her know he was there for her. 𝙄𝙛 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙮.


"Don't forget to write your essay on liquid luck. Remember it's due tomorrow."

Groans were heard as Draco looked around with his arms crossed, his eyes aimlessly dropping on Coraline.

It was the next day and the worry still hadn't left. She looked terribly beautiful as she sat quietly at the table. She was wearing a white oversized shirt tucked into her skirt that he believed was his. His heart couldn't help but crack at how tired she looked.

"Ms. Lennox. A word." She kept her eyes down and just stayed in her seat, knowing there was no escaping him like last time with the little energy she had left. She was barely sleeping with all of the vomiting she was doing. Her body was rejecting everything she swallowed which just made the situation of her being pregnant even worse.

The last student left making silence fill the area. The air felt thick as he walked over to her, his steps stopping at the front of her desk. She kept her head down, her eyes almost shutting closed at the warmth of his body gave even though he was arms reach.

"Coraline." His voice cracked as he straightened his posture, trying to compose himself. She couldn't control the way her shoulders sagged at his voice. She missed him so much. All she wanted to do was run into his arms and fall asleep in his arms. But she knew she couldn't. Not after what he did.

"Coraline please- look at me." She lifted her eyes and looked at him droopily, every emotion swirling in her eyes. There was anger for what he did to her- but also softness. If he apologized right that second, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back from leaping into his arms.

"Just listen to me ok? I promise that after I tell you everything from my perspective you'll see it in a different way-." Her soft voice cut through the room like a sharp knife as she tried to keep it even.

"I don't care about seeing it in your perspective. You hurt me in the most painful way ever." Her voice rung through his ears as he tried to keep his eyes from watering.

"You made me believe I could trust you when I told you about my mom when you were probably laughing about it behind my back." Is that how she saw it? That her feelings were all a big joke to him? He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off once again.

"Not only that but you kissed Astoria in front of me after knowing how I felt about you. I finally opened up to you thinking that you would actually consider my feelings but I'm just another whore to you."

He was shaking his head frantically at her words, his throat aching from the tears he was holding back. "It's not like that Coraline- I had to do it." Her face showed nothing but pure betrayal and anger making him speed up his words before she spoke once more.

"Astoria told me she would ruin your career if I didn't do it. I know how special it is to you so I couldn't bare to do it. I remembered how much your eyes brightened when you mentioned being the greatest healer of all. I didn't want to ruin your future- even though I wasn't going to be a part of it."

Her face showed no more emotion waking him even more nervous. He had hoped she would've understood. He did it all for her.

"Why did you act like you didn't know about the problems with my mother and her boyfriend when you actually did?" He reached out and sighed when she didn't pull back immediately.

"That night in the room when you left crying", he spoke even softer, not wanting to upset her in any way. "I had to find out why you got like that. The guilt that I did something that made you afraid of me was eating me alive so I had to get answers."

She gulped and looked down, his hand moving to her chin and lifting her face back up. "I never wanted to mess anything up. But I did what I had to do."


Y'all are not ready for the drama these next chapters.

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