Chapter 11

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"What is one ingredient you need to make Felix Felicis?" Professor Malfoy spoke, a permanent glare set on his face.

No one dared to raise their hand, knowing how rude he gets if you get it wrong.

His eyes searched the room as I kept my head tilted down, writing random words to look like I'm busy. "Ms. Lennox", he continued, "give me an ingredient."

Clenching my jaw, I looked up at him with a fake smile, gritting through my teeth. "Occamy eggshell, of course."

His eyes darkened as he took in my attitude, nodding his head either way. "Correct. And Ms. Lennox?"

I hummed, looking down at my paper and ignoring him. "Stay after class. We'll need to have a talk about that attitude."

Students giggled in embarrassment for me and some glared at me for some other reason. I didn't bother looking up and just stayed silent, hearing his footsteps fade away to the front of the class.

𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨..


Zooming past the students I tried to walk out the door before I was caught. I knew he wanted to talk to me about his wife from last night.

"Ms. Lennox", I stopped, shutting my eyes tightly and cursing at myself. "Didn't I ask for a word with you after class?"

I turned back around and walked closer to his desk, the last person shutting the door on their way out.

Everything was silent, his dark eyes focused on mine.

"Sit." His voice seethed with dominance as he spread his legs.

I clenched my jaw in slight anger, looking at him seriously while crossing my arms over my chest sassily.

"Make me."

He was up in a second, striding over to me angrily. A smirk grew on my face as I watched him, his hand gripping my hair tightly.

Pain shot up in my scalp, a groan leaving my lips in pain.  "Want to repeat that, little girl?" I stayed silent making him growl in anger as he brought me over to his desk.

"Such a little brat, aren't you?" He sat down on his chair, my legs going on either side of his hips as he brought me down with him. "My little brat.."

My smirk widened as I pulled my wand out quickly, not letting him protest before I tied his hands to the back of the chair.

A surprised gasp left his lips as he turned his head, looking back at the rope in shock.

Did Draco Malfoy just get- impressed by me?

I bit my lip slightly at the thought, his wide eyes darkening and moving back to me. "Release me. Right now."

Bending my head down to his ear I grazed my lips over his ear, speaking lowly. "No." He growled, trying to break free from the tight ropes. I immediately grounded down on him, his rough movements slowing down as he groaned in pleasure.

"You like that, baby.." I spoke lowly, my head tilted sideways as I inspected his every expression.

He clenched his jaw and looked at me darkly, almost making me release him at the fear of what he might do to me after.

I just grinned and stood up, sitting up on the desk and spreading my legs open, giving him a view of my uncovered pussy. He groaned lowly, eyes immediately moving with the movement.

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