My Cherie Amor

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"Boy, if you don't stop. We are going to be late!" Simone tried to have some authority in her voice. It was very difficult to be serious when the love of her life was engaging in making sure she had on no clothes.

They were suppose to be meeting Spence and Liv for dinner. It was very clear that Jordan Baker didn't care one bit that they were late. He tried to keep his hands to himself but Simone? Her dress hugged her just right and as usual her scent had him in a trance. He didn't care  at all if they were going to be stuck in traffic at this point.

Jordan watched her in the mirror for a split second. He placed the most softest kisses against her neck. He didn't have to see her to know she was cheesing ear to ear no matter how much she whined about being late. Simone continued putting on the rest of her jewelry as her husband's hands freely roamed her body rubbing small circles against her belly.

"My baby mama looking fine though." He acknowledged in a muffled tone.

It was still very much a "pinch me" moment. He wanted to scream to the anybody listening that Simone Hicks was carrying their mini in her belly. He couldn't wait to tell his twin and brother in law. Jordan was forced to keep it a secret thanks to the threat Simone made about him sleeping on the couch for months if he babbled. He also appreciated how they were able to hide their good news.

"Thank you sweetheart." She could feel her cheeks getting hot as she swatted his hands. "J... I am serious."

Nope. He had zero plans on stopping as he reached for the zipper of her dress. Simone could still feel his breath and lips against her skin giving her butterflies in her stomach. After all these years and through their up and downs , he still made her feel like the only girl in the world that mattered - no matter how much she drove him insane with her love of birthdays and astrology.

Jordan watched the dress almost fall until she caught it making him poke out his bottom lip at the action. Simone pulled the straps back up and twirled in his arms. She cupped his face pecking his lips.

"If you are needy Baker, just say that.You already knocked me up."

"Just a quickie and for the record, I will knock you up a million times over. Form a tennis team and a football team." Jordan joked throwing in a wink.

"Please, my uterus is already crying about it. Two max."


"Are you insane? Two." Simone  repeated.

"Twins and a third in case they annoy each other." Jordan protested in between kissing his favorite girl.

"Babe, I don't think you can handle a mini you and Liv."  Simone returned the kisses reaching down to squeeze his behind

"Hey! I think we can handle anything wifey." 

Jordan smacked her behind. "Stop playing with me, I'll handcuff you real quick."

"Will you please put your shoes on sir so we can leave?" She stressed, wiggling out of his grip.

The man leaned forward trying to kiss her watching her struggle for freedom. Instead, He twirled her face forward zipping her back up still finding a way to touch her. A dramatic sigh escaped his lips as he went into the walk in closet to collect his shoes. "I don't like rejection Lady Baker!" He commented.

Simone playfully rolled her eyes at his antics , smoothing out her dress. She snatched up Jordan's GAU jacket before he had to protest that he wanted to be the one to wear it. What belonged to him, belonged to her. Slipping it on, she snapped it up and collected what she needed to transfer from her every day purse to a smaller one.

"Even though you're about to make us late, you look good boom boom." She complimented with a wink.

"Stop it... you gon' make me blush." He spoke octaves higher. He snatched up his keys following her to the car. He helped her in before
jogging to the other side. The drive wasn't too bad as he pulled to a red light. Jordan gave her hand a gentle squeeze kissing the back of it.

"I love you."

"Good, because I love you."

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