For you I will

371 10 3

"Hello , tall drink of water!" Thea looked around Simone.

"Girl, since when did Thea Mays become boy crazy?" Simone snorted filling out her planner with her schedule for the week.

"Since the lord crafted that man talking to the professor."

The girl nudged her arm trying to get Simone's attention diverted from what she was doing. She had to take in what she was seeing. Thea was eager to talk to him as she was already  fixing her hair.

"How do I look?" Thea asked.

"I could careless Thea. I am sure you look fine."

Simone still didn't pay her any attention. She scrolled through her Instagram seeing pictures of her best friends coupled up. Seeing one pop up from her boyfriend , she liked it without giving it a second thought on the meaning.

Thea made her way down the steps to greet the professor and the new student.

"I will be happy to show you around." Thea voiced.

Professor Wilson nodded finishing handing the boy all of the materials needed instructing him to sit anywhere he found a free seat. Zenzi laughed watching Thea embarrass herself. Tom's heart almost melted finally catching on to what was happening after being so wrapped up in emails. He didn't need this class but he took it for Zenzi and Simone because they were his people.

"Oh this is going to be hilarious." Tom whispered to his cousin seeing Simone wrapped in her own world.

"Simone, it's rude to not welcome our new student." Thea tilted her head.

"I told you Thea, you don't run me on or off the court. They got your thirsty ass so they'll be fine."  Simone responded flipping another page of her book.

"Actually sis, you might wanna -" Tom looked at the boy motion for him to shut up as Zenzi smacked Tom upside his head.

"It's the first day and all of y'all are acting weird. Chill." Simone meditated and hit the gym this morning all before this 10 am class.

Pulling out the chair next to her, Jordan peeked over her shoulder. He could smell her perfume - gucci bloom and she smelled just like a fresh flower. Jordan leaned in closer to her ear hearing Zenzi and Tom shriek behind them.

"You smell really good." He purposely deepened his voice.

"Thanks I guess now back up." Simone scooted over.

Seeing her flip another page , Tom snatched it out of her hand seeing Simone's head whip in his direction with furrowed brows.

"Look behind you miss thing and stop ignoring that fine ass man." Tom instructed.

"Thomas, I have no interest in knowing about the new stu...dent." Her words dragged out when Zenzi twirled her chair around seeing Jordan give her a little rascals wave with his hand under his chin.

"She's gonna cry." Zenzi warned.

"Bet you twenty bucks she will." Tom could already see Simone cover her face.

"So fucking cute." Zenzi gushed, handing over the twenty to her cousin.

"Awwww. I missed you too." Jordan pulled his girlfriend into his lap laughing when she buried her face in his neck. He rubbed her lower back hear her muffled words of no longer being able to focus.

"Oh baby! The look on yall faces!" Tom's eyes widened recording the interaction . Between Simone and Thea, Tom didn't know which he loved more. He almost felt bad for Thea but then again, he wasn't the most fond of her anyway.

Zenzi took it upon herself to capture the pair posting it to her Instagram and tagging them in the post.

ZenziFullerton: first day of class off to a cute start. My loves!!! Welcome to Bringston, Jordan.

Simone pulled away from Jordan's neck as his thumbs wiped her face.

"Got my baby  all snot nosed , God I wish Keish and Nate was here to witness this." Zenzi poked out her lip handing Simone a tissue.

Thea scoffed, collecting her things and moving away from the foursome. Simone  attempted to collect herself sliding  back in her seat when Professor Wilson started to take attendance. She reached under the table grabbing Jordan's hand giving him a gentle squeeze to get his attention again.

"I love you." she mouthed.

Jordan winked, returning the sentiments watching Tom playfully stick a finger in his mouth pretending to gag. The man was happy he transferred to the university and the surprise was successful. Simone on the other hand was still trying to control her expressions while she focused on the professor and the class. The last thing on her mind was reading the syllabus aloud but she needed a easy distraction thus she volunteered once she collected herself.


Hiii! I hope you enjoy this little one shot. I watched the premiere of Tom Swift last night thus I decided to throw Tom and Zenzi in the universe! Debating on making this into a fleshed out AAHC book but for now, this will do 🫶🏾

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