Cuff It [Part 2]

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"Are you stealing my shirt?" Jordan pointed out.

"Yup. Your shirt is now a dress." Simone finished buttoning it.

She had brought a few drugstore items at the store so she was able to look a little more presentable. She slathered on sunscreen and did a light makeup look so she could look more awake. Simone was running off off three hours and a protein coffee.

"You are very lucky that I like you." He commented.

Simone smirked spraying her face to set everything after ten minutes and fanning it to completely dry. She searched her bag for her black thong flinging it in his direction. Catching it with one hand, he tied it on his wrist like a scrunchie . Jordan winked going back to tying his shoes. His shoes matched her shoes and he really didn't mind it.

"You know people are going to think we're a couple." She laughed looking at his shoe choice.

She didn't know who had more of a collection. Him or her. Lately her's had been building up more frequently. His own personal touch of making sure she always knew he was the chosen one. Whatever he had , she had.

"Are we not a couple? I mean we go out , we make each other sweat and cum.... I buy you flowers, you leave in my shirt. Sounds like a couple to me." Jordan sprayed himself in cologne.

"I'm being serious." She turned casually walking into his arms. She parted his legs with a tap of her knee. Naturally, his hands slide up his shirt on her looking up at her for once.

"And so am I, We've been doing this for months. We minus well just end things with our partners. Be with who makes us happy." Jordan looked at her.

"Is Jordan Baker getting soft on me?" She wondered.

"I thought we were being serious?" He tilted his head.


"What does he do for you? Really think about it." He asked.

"Sometimes he buys me flowers." She shrugged.

"You deserve them every day." He responded.

"Maybe I'll get a "you look nice" every so often."  That one actually worked her nerves the worst. Simone knew she was fine as hell.

"Your ass is sitting , your face never declines and you look better in my clothes. I love it, next." His hands massaged her butt every so often.

"Maybe he'll do a chore without asking. He says I don't do anything." Which was a damn lie.

"All the more reason why you don't need him. You don't need to do anything. You shouldn't have to ask for him to be a fucking boyfriend." He only met him in crossing and didn't like him, maybe it was the jealousy.

"Yeah well, his adoption was hard and weird so." She didn't want to get into this at all.

"No no, don't make any excuses for him Simone. You deserve the world. You deserve to be spoiled and pampered. You deserve to be loved and adored. See if you were mine , you wouldn't have this problem." Jordan acknowledged.

"You have Layla." She reminded going back to her duffle bag she brought.

"If I wanted too , I would've." Jordan caught her before she walked away. He knew that sounded terrible but it was the truth.

"She's a beautiful girl , Jordan." Simone added.

"Yes but it feels more like an arranged marriage set up by our parents you know? We knew each other for a long time so it made sense to everybody else. I know who I want to do all those things for. Pick me Damn it." He joked , pulling her down with him.

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