Wonders and Wishes

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Grabbing his phone from his locker, Jordan smiled seeing the notification that his girlfriend left him a voicemail while he had a game. He put in his AirPods and hit play sitting the phone temporarily back where it was. Hearing her voice made him extremely happy and sad at the same time. It was his first game that he got to play in but she wasn't here. She was stuck watching it on ESPN.

Jordan replayed the message and hearing Simone call him 'baby' pulled at his heart strings. He knew she was trying to be serious but the mention of having six heart attacks still managed to make him laugh. She always found a way to make him laugh even when it was the middle of the night like a little kid. Slipping his rings on his fingers including one Simone brought him before she left, he absentmindedly played with the gold band that had their initials engraved.

"She's busy, Jordan. You're busy..." He reminded himself.

He hated playing phone tag and constantly having to leave missed face time messages or voicemails to each other. He tucked his phone in his jacket hearing a bunch of guys come in - including Wade. Jordan was excited for a trip to Vegas only to be told he wasn't going with them. He nodded trying to mask his annoyance and slung his duffle bag over his shoulder walking out the locker room.

Simone was buzzing off the thrill that she got to watch her boyfriend play in person. She had been talking about it for weeks but didn't expect Laura to send over a digital ticket and pay for a flight in so she could stay for the week. It was hard not telling anybody that she was coming. Thanking the guy at the booth for the vip pass, she slipped it around her neck. She took a moment searching for the locker rooms.

There was no way she should be back here but she was on stealth mode. Her phone was on do not disturb as she kept moving. Even with a pass, she knew the locker room was only for players and she needed to be in the waiting area. Simone finally found what she was looking for seeing Jordan's side profile turn the corner, she felt her heart race. Feeling her phone buzz in pocket, her phone light up with his photo: "Boom Boom" flashing giving her the option to accept or decline.

She hit decline and paused listening to him leave a message.

"Hey babe, it's me.. uh just calling you back. Sorry about the six heart attacks but fuck, it felt good to hear your voice. Vegas is a no and I was thinking of flying out to you instead maybe. Uh, just let me know if that works for you alright? I love you and I miss you so much. I'll try to catch you next time, bye." Jordan hit end after the message went through.

Simone crept up around the corner thankful he distracted himself with something else. She picked up her pace as she changed her voice.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't expect to see any players left in here. A-Are you Jordan Baker? Please! Can I get a picture? My friends won't believe this!" She cried rushing behind him. Her shoes gave her just enough height to reach up covering his eyes.

"What the f-." He muttered.

"You were so sexy on the field. I just couldn't help but wonder what you'd taste like in my mouth. I always wanted to suck off a pretty quarterback." Her voice was deep , sultry as she moved one hand to slide down the front of his body.

"I am happily taken. There are plenty of single guys on the team." Jordan stated.

Jordan tensed feeling this person slide their hands down his pants. He pulled away visibly upset that the person wasn't respecting boundaries. Turning , he felt like the cat got his tongue. Jordan took a moment to process his girlfriend being here in the flesh.

"Good answer." She applauded.

Catching her in his arms, he still couldn't form the right words. It was like his whole body was on fire and he was unable to process anything at the same time. Jordan was positive that if he blinked, it would be some stupid day dream that he envisioned her here because thats how much he missed her. His face in her hands brought him back as he kept his gaze on her.

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