Prom of a lifetime

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Simone had been dreaming of her prom since she was a little girl. Unlike most girls that dreamed of their wedding, little Simone dreamed of having a Cinderella moment like Brandy with a fairy godmother and all. It was her favorite Cinderella retelling of all time and nothing was going to top it. As much as she wanted to make sure Jordan had the prom of a lifetime , there was a tournament that her future college tennis coach wanted her to compete in.

She hated missing prom even had her dress picked out. However, she didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to really show what she got even if she played all four years of high school. She took the earliest flight to Atlanta and by luck her match was early. She never expected to win but she had two more before being able to catch a non stop flight back to California. A four hour flight with no delays was a god send.

She was sure prom was going to be almost over by the time she got the hotel it was been held at. It didn't stop her from having Nate come back to California with her to do her hair in the front braided curly style.

"You think I should still go?" she questioned looking up as Nate dabbed concealer underneath her eyes. She offered  to do everything for her - free of charge.

"Um, duh. If you don't then I will but I didn't fly out here for a weekend for nothing. You enjoy your night then you're playing tour guide with your boo and taking me all over Beverly tomorrow." She smirked pressing loose powder under her eyes.

"What if he didn't show up or dancing with somebody else?"

"You worry too much. That boy loves you to death. He probably isn't having any fun because you aren't there."  Nate spoke continuing the rest of her makeup. It wasn't too much but it was just enough for Tina Hicks not to blow a fit.

Simone could feel her palms get sweaty. She didn't think she was that good at surprises but she wanted this for her , for them. She wanted to see her friends and dance with Jordan all night long.

"I feel bad you can't come." She spoke slipping into the burgundy mermaid dress.

"Girl... you won't go either if you don't calm down.

Nate wouldn't let her leave without getting a million photos of her.

"Bippity boppity boo, don't bring no new babies in the Bringston crew... now go have fun, be safe."

"Please... Thank you very godmuva Nate."

"Anytime Cinderella now get!" Nate closed the door of the waiting suv.

Simone thanked the bell hop for the directions and walked inside the glamourous hall. She felt like all eyes were on her as she walked in. Patience was the first to greet her while Layla came to give what was rightfully hers - her corsage even if Simone swore she could keep it. Patience wasted no time manuvering through the people pulling her friend along. Jordan's back was turned as he sat quietly listening to the small group of friends.

"Annoying Baker! Look who I founddddd." She sang.

"Sup? Babe..." he got up turning his frown into a huge grin taking over his whole face.

"Told you he'd be speechless." Patience whispered to Simone.

"Hi. Hey y'all." She waved.

"Yeah yeah, nobody cares about them. Look at you, wow!" Jordan waved them off giving her a hug.

"You guys better go take photos! Like right now!" Olivia demanded.

Jordan escorted her to the photographer so they can get their portraits taken. He made sure the last one ended with the photographer capturing them mid kiss. Thanking the photographer, he slide his hand back into Simone's leading her back to the hall.

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