All or Nothing

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Crossover time! In this shot, Jordan and Simone are broken up and she is exploring a new relationship. This one features an appearance by Evan "Buck" Buckley from 9-1-1 and brief mention of other 9-1-1 characters. Enjoy!

Olivia waved Simone down calling for her to join them. Jordan shot up and immediately his stomach dropped. Simone was with someone else - holding hands and smiling. Jordan yanked Liv closer to him because she had to have some insider information.

"Liv, who that hell is that with Simone?" He whispered.

His twin chuckled knowing that he would be upset. She was happy for Simone and she wanted to see her brother be happy with someone too. His behavior lately was miserable. She tried to get him out of his funk and nothing was working.

"Oh, that's Evan - I think that's his name. He  seems super nice which means you better be nice Jordan."  She warned.

"Are they together or something?" He watched as they come closer and Evan kissed Simone. Simone kissed him again getting lost in the man's baby blue eyes.

"Uh well, I think the double kiss should answer that. They're so cute!"  She heard her brother scoff in annoyance as she got up rushing to Simone.

"I missed you soooo much." Simone's words to his sister stung.

"Not as much as I missed you babes. You look so good! Who is this handsome man? Come on introduce me , introduce me."  Liv cheesed.

"Calm down girl. Olivia, this is my... what do I even call you?"  She looked up at the man leaning against his tall frame. Simone could feel her cheeks heat up as they stared at each other for a moment.

"Boyfriend sounds accurate.  It is definitely not associates."  Buck answered with a grin, kissing her temple.

"Ooooh boyfriend. Right out the gate claiming my sister, I know that's right! I like him."

"Livvy, stoooop. Ok, so this is my boyfriend, Evan Buckley. Evan, this is one of my best friends Olivia Baker."

She introduced the pair and Evan gave Liv a firm handshake.

"Please, call me Buck. Very nice to meet you Olivia."

"Okay Buck. Call me Liv. Simone knows how to pick 'em.  This is my twin brother Jordan , my boyfriend Spencer and our friends Patience and Coop."

Simone watched everyone greet Buck except for Jordan. Instead, he stayed silent staring Simone down.

"So, Buck. What is it that you do?"  Patience asked popping a fry in her mouth.

"I'm a firefighter actually for LAFD. My captain's wife introduced me to Simone and we've been going ever since. I figured that might be your next question... sorry for jumping ahead."

"Nobody asked."  Jordan mumbled underneath his breath.

Simone glared at Jordan excusing herself from the table. She walked over to Jordan pulling up by his shirt. Jordan rolled his eyes, getting up without the force of a 5'3 Simone.

"If you wanted a threesome, just say that."  Jordan spat.

"Whoa, hey. Watch it!" Buck shot up to his feet.

"Oooh, Simone always got the men fighting over her. Who is gonna win?" Coop whispered to Patience.

"Love, it's okay. I got it. Jordan, let's go." Simone crossed her arms returning the same glare he was giving her.

Jordan looked between Olivia and Spencer then Buck sucking his teeth. He walked with her far enough to where nobody was in ear shot.

"What the hell was that Jordan?" She shook her head.

"A new boy toy? You couldn't wait to move on to your fightfighter man. Its giving Asher reject, Simone."

"First of all, Asher wished he looked like Evan. Secondly, Asher is also unemployed and you? Your jealous."  She pointed out knowing exactly what this behavior was.

"I am not jealous. Fighting fires has to be a dangerous job and you don't need that kind of stress." He lied.

"Says the man that plays football for a living. Football is also a dangerous spot. Evan is a great guy Jordan. I am not into dating my best friend's ex who used to be my sister's best friend." She retorted.

"Layla and I are not dating. Look whose jealous now?"  Jordan smirked.

Simone rolled her eyes at his comment. She wasn't jealous but she also didn't want him to keep denying his feelings for Layla.

"You need to move on. I am happy Jordan. I am taking this new relationship head on and having fun with Evan. He makes me laugh , He protects me and He makes me happy.  None of that is your job anymore."  She knew he didn't want to hear that from the way his face dropped.

"You deserve to be with someone that makes you happy too."

She held his hands giving him a squeeze. She couldn't look him in the eye. Simone wanted him to be loved even if it wasn't by her. He deserved to be happy with someone who made him happy.

"You and I both know that is you. You make me happy Simone. You are the one I want to be with. Tell me you don't still love me."

"Jordan. I am with Evan." She sighed releasing their hands.

"I don't care about Evan. Tell me you don't still love me."  He repeated.

"Please stop..." Simone  sighed running her fingers through her hair.

"Look at me. Look me in the eye and tell me." Jordan reached for her. The tension was thick and Simone could feel her breathing hitch.

"I can't do this Jordan."  She shook her head.

The moment he grabbed her face , she knew she should've pushed him away. Simone wasn't a cheater. She wasn't trying to hurt Evan in the same way she hurt Jordan. She didn't even want to hurt Jordan either but she did. She blinked and her vision got blurry from the tears. They never needed words.

"You're my best friend. I don't want to lose that. Please don't push me away because of that Jordan. I want us t-"

"I can't do that Simone! I can't sit here and be happy for you while you parade around a firefighter that saves lives for  a  living. You replaced me with someone better and I can't compete with that.

"Not everything is a competition Jordan! You are being very jealous. Nobody replaced you. We broke up! I am sorry for hurting, you can hate me forever if you want. The things I want for myself , I want-"

Jordan cut her off with a kiss. She stumbled unsure of what to do. She shouldn't have returned the kiss. Her heart was still with Jordan and it didn't take rocket science to know that. He felt it and he knew she did too when she didn't pull away.

"I can't do this. I-I have to go.

Simone backed away, running off. She walked back to the table resting a hand on Buck's shoulder.

"Um, I think I am coming down with something. Can we go?" She asked trying to collect her words.

"Are you okay? I have Hen on speed dial."  Buck got up ready to examine her if needed.

"Thank you but I am sure I'll be fine in a few hours."

"Sure, we can push fluids and cuddle."

Jordan appeared as soon as he heard Buck say that and sulked next to Liv who got up to hug Simone. Liv and Spencer wished her well as Patience and Coop did the same.

"Let's get you home angel. It was great meeting you all. Hopefully a little longer next time. Take care y'all." Evan commented grabbing his girlfriends hand.

Simone locked eyes with Jordan and waved bye to her friends following after her boyfriend letting him lead the way back to his Jeep.

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