Cuff it [M]

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I miss you...

Jordan held a staring contest with her from across the room. It was one of those moments where you look around but your eyes still find them. She knew what she was doing and it was a very dangerous game. They were hardly friends - more like ran in the same circle because she knew Olivia. They were both taken by their respective partners.

It was fun to watch everything unfold. She wasn't saved in his contacts and he wasn't saved in hers but they knew. It made it all a bit more daring and entertaining if you asked him. He didn't need Layla catching him. She was already cautious about him having female friends.

They trusted each other but they were the type of couple to ask permission before doing anything. Olivia thought it was pitiful. Jordan really didn't mind to be honest. Sometimes he wanted to plan a date night with her. He allowed her out with her friends and vice versa. Tonight was one of those nights and that's why he was here.

All it took was one text and the man caved. He took a sip of his drink not needing another. He decided to go to the bar anyway. The man was patient , calm and not known to make a scene. He knew how to get what he wanted but for some reason - he caved every single time. He thanked the bar tender and cradled his drink. His nose flinched in disgust seeing them kiss. Yeah, it was awkward. It looked unsatisfying and Jordan knew how to fix that.

meet in five minutes.

Simone pulled away from Damon to read an incoming text message. It wasn't a question , there was no hello. There was no moment of decision making at all quite frankly. Her eyes scanned the room until she landed on his - again then went back to her boyfriend. She liked Damon. They had chemistry from day one according to every one and they were both athletes so they knew when they couldn't meet. It was easy , simple.

Nothing more and nothing less. She enjoyed their time but it wasn't enough. She needed more - she craved more. Being in a relationship with a man that was clueless about relationships was a death sentence. She minus well be by herself but she understood that Damon focused solely on baseball and nothing else. He didn't know the in's and out of a relationship. The hard work , the commitment , the trust.

"Everything okay?" Damon kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, I'm good. It was just Thea reminding me of our project. You know how she gets." She slipped her phone back in her purse.

Lying became almost second nature. It was more so because she didn't want people in her business. She hated doing it but she loved the mystery. Simone caught him at the bar and they stared at each other for a moment. A longing gaze that almost made her feel a buzz. High off his energy alone. How does a person make another feel such a thing. There was a magnetic pull and no matter how much she wanted to stay in a relationship , there was just plenty of things that Damon didn't do. Enough to end a relationship maybe but she wasn't a heartbreaker. Least that's also the lie she told herself.

"I haven't even started this project so I really should pull an all nighter. " Simone spoke up.

" Didn't you already start it?"

"I did but you know I am a perfectionist and I like to make sure it's cohesive. I didn't like it so I started over. Plus the food here sucks." She sighed looking at him.

"Did you want me to walk you back?"

"No, it's fine. I got it. Have fun." She grabbed her bag kissing his cheek.

"Okay, I love you."

" you." Did that sound forced? She hoped it didn't but it threw her off guard. She went to the bar to close her tab.

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