Life Changes

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"I can't believe I am moving back in here."

"I can't believe Jordan willing gave his room to you." Olivia laughed sitting down one of the boxes.

"Somebody wasn't going to let me live in the beach house." Simone looked at Olivia.

She was willing to live her Chrissy in three's company moment.

"What? Jordan isn't the only one that wants to spend time with you besides, you are neutral ground. And this will be my safe haven from the chaos of the others."  Olivia smiled.

"You could just kick them out." Simone suggested. This was still the Baker household.

A household that she never expected to move back into. She left for a reason but the last minute decision to not live at home or go to Bringston gave her no place to go. Jordan immediately offered the other side of his bed for his girlfriend but Olivia axed that idea claiming that the boys had their beach house while the girls had the Baker house.

"Layla mentioned moving out the other day." Liv shrugged.

She  moved out the way as her brother and boyfriend helped bring in the heavier boxes.

"I still think you can escape this and live with us." Jordan rested his chin on top of his girlfriends head out of habit.

"Burping challenges with Asher and JJ's weird food creations is a hard pass my love but Spence let me know when he has another meditation class." Simone asked.

"No problem and trust me, you're safe here."

Simone wanted to still be close with baby shay. She saw him as much as she could and not getting the chance to play for Bringston as she thought was something she didn't want her friends knowing. She also didn't need anybody knowing that her and Jordan secretly got married at the courthouse with only her parents there surprisingly being supportive.

In their words, she was grown. Simone was just lucky to even get the opportunity to play tennis for Golden Angeles. It was nerve wrecking to think about. She tried not to think about it as the girls ordered Chinese and there was a group dinner. Simone thought it was odd how comfortable Olivia was living with Layla who was exes with Spencer and Spencer now dated Olivia.

It just seemed something that Simone herself would never object herself too and hoped she never would have too. Pulling Coop to the side, she wanted to get some tea. There had to be some reason why Layla mentioned moving out as soon as she got here. Simone thought it was also very weird but she was used to girls acting very strange around her except Patience and Olivia.

"Oh, you don't know huh?" Coop winced. She was trying to mind her black ass business.

"Know... what?"

"One night we played never have I ever and I think Layla admitted to having a crush on baby face." Coop looked between Simone and Layla.

"I am sure that has went away." Simone didn't think Layla was that kind of person. She didn't think she was foul.

"I don't know... when you are not around sis, she be a little too comfortable. Which is why I think she is moving out. You are moving in and she can't make any moves knowing you are here and Jordan will be here more for you than her." Coop held up her hands to her face. She was not trying to catch any strays.

"Tamia. Stop, I am not going to beat you down for telling me. Good, maybe she should move out because I thought they were friends, hell I thought her and I were cool."

"If it helps Jordan has kept things very platonic. He has always kept his distance. She just been through some shit and he was being... Jordan. We keep his light bright ass in check at all times though, nobody breaking y'all happy home."

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