Teenage Love Affair

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"Without football, I am nothing"   He stressed.

Jordan and Simone had been at saulson cafe doing their homework together with light conversation. That conversation took a drastic turn leading to an argument over his concussion and willingness to get back on the team and back to his position. He thought JJ was his friend and now it just felt like back stabbing , it also didn't seem like his girlfriend was on his side either.

"Jordan, I care more about you being alive than rather or not you can play football." Simone said truthfully.

"Can we stop talking about this? I don't have football okay Simone, there is nothing left to talk about. So Why bother?"

"Oh... I don't know because I love you? Isn't that enough? Shouldn't that be enough?"

She understood his love for the game. He always had to prove himself to somebody. Rather it was  his father , his team mates or even Coach Montes. It was bad enough that he wasn't taking a moment to slow down and enjoy life. Simone could see the signs of depression sinking into him and the added symptoms of the concussion wasn't making things any easier.

"You don't get it." Jordan sighed tossing his pencil down.

"Come again? I know this sucks for you but football is a game. A game that I don't want to see you risk your life for in the long run.  I want nothing more for you to be happy but there is more out there than throwing a football and you should be taking things easy." Simone knitted her brow together in confusion still trying her best to be understanding - this wasn't her Jordan.

Jordan closed his eyes due to the sensitivity of the bright lights. Between the  nausea , dizziness and mood swings— He really felt like he was having an out of body experience. Everything and everyone annoyed him including his own girlfriend.

It didn't take a medical degree for Simone to notice the changes in Jordan. She was well aware of possible symptoms to expect from his doctor along with her own research. She didn't want Jordan to dive off the deep end trying to prove how great he was and hurt himself even further.

"You know what, forget it. I am not going to bother watching you self-destruct and pretend like everything is sunshine and rainbows. You don't want me to fight for you then fine, fight alone." Simone closed her laptop shut.

She zipped up her bag tossing it over her shoulder and dumped her trash on the way out. Jordan watched and didn't say a word. He was pissed that she wasn't trying to see his point of view. The next two days , they crossed paths and didn't say a single word to one another.

A whole week felt like a lifetime to Simone. There was plenty of times she just wanted to check in.  She would type a message to check in then delete it. Maybe space was necessary but she hoped he would cool off sometime soon. She missed the boy she used to know and she had every right to blame Dane for his pettiness on the field.

"Jordan is here."  Her father stood at her doorway.

"Tell him I am not home." She didn't even bother looking the man in the eye as she went back to her Spanish homework.

"Simone, that boy is looking pitiful on my porch. Tell him yourself. I am taking your mom on a date, we'll be back in a few hours." Robert informed his daughter.

The argument replayed in Jordan's head over and over. He lashed out at his girlfriend and now the distance between them wasn't something he was used too. He hated it.  They always met up before school for breakfast at the cafe or at their lockers. He always walked her to her first period but now they were avoiding each other.

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