The Heart Wants What it Wants

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Nate clicked the pen as she double checked every thing. This had to be perfect and she wasn't trying to have Jordan in her ass about it. She knew the break up was hard but Jordan still showing up was a cute gesture. It was a damn chore trying to gather a list and fly out all of her Beverly Hills friends.

Somehow it was all made possible by Jordan and Olivia. The twins wanted to make sure Simone had the best birthday especially since she didn't make the top six. Jordan walked into the shared dorm glad that Olivia and Keisha had Simone out for the day.

"Why the long face?" Jordan sat on Simone's bed taking a hold of her teddy bear he won for her on amusement park date just last year.

"Ummmm... good news and bad news." Nate chuckled nervously rubbing her neck.

Jordan wanted everything to go smoothly from the dj to the theme and the cake.

"Good news first." He had enough bad news for his lifetime quite frankly

"Well the venue is all set and decorated. The bad news is the bakery we selected messed up the cake and they have no time to make a new one."

Nate was sure the man's eyes was going to pop out of his head as he started pacing. Everything was pretty much ruined now. Nate stopped following Jordan's rant two minutes ago.

"Sit down. Everything will be fine. I'll work out something. We will have a cake." Nate assured, trying to be hopeful.

"It has to be vanilla with fresh strawberries in the inside. She hates red icing and nothing chocolate." Jordan informed for the millionth time.

"I will smack you. I have it written down and honestly her not liking chocolate is weird but also she dated you soooo." Nate teased her best friend's taste in men.

"Um, Nate.. I-Is she seeing anyone?"

"I don't think so. I mean she's been hanging with J.R a lot but I don't think there is anything serious going on."

Nate knew she had no business telling him Simone's business but the man looked desperate for some sliver of hope that his ex was just as miserable as he was.

"She's not down in the dumps huh?"

"We're trying not to let it get that far." she responded. Nate felt bad because she could see how much Jordan still loved Simone.

The knock on the door startled them as Spencer walked in.

"Oh thank god, Spence! We need a cake."

"Soooo buy one?" Spencer rose a brow.

"Does anyone not want to see Simone happy? Does nobody else care about her birthday being her best one yet?" Jordan started off only for Spencer to cut him off.

"Alright alright, Fine. I'll see what I can do. I can't believe you forgot the cake. That's the most important."

"I didn't forget anything! Its the bakery's fault and I definitely want a full refund and I am leaving them a bad review." Jordan pointed out.

Nate and Spencer laughed at Jordan's sudden perfectionism to make this birthday special. Spencer went with Jordan to get ingredients to make the cake with permission to prepare everything at Amara's apartment. Somehow, the cake came out perfect because Spencer didn't let Jordan try to help.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Jordan spoke wrapping the gift.

"You gave her a highlight reel of her career since high school with your own commentary included. I think she'll find it very entertaining."

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