Doesn't Really Matter

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Prompt: What if Simone's parents sent her to Kentucky to stay with her cousin and their family


Jordan groaned feeling for his buzzing phone half asleep. He felt the cord and unplugged it knocking it onto his bed. He squinted seeing he had a new text message from his girlfriend. It was pouring down  hard so he was sleeping peacefully since nine. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and quietly made his way downstairs grabbing an umbrella.

"Sweetheart, it's... 2 in the morning and you're soaking wet." He looked down at her.

He used the umbrella to guide them back in the house. The hardwood floors were an easy fix so he wasn't worried about it. He returned with one of his old shirts, basketball shorts and a towel handing them over. Her silence made him worry as he waited when she excused herself to the nearest bathroom to change. He took her wet clothes to the laundry room and threw a load in deciding to re wash them altogether even though it was late.

"Is everything okay? to me." He lead her to the couch.

"Um, I just wanted to say goodbye."

"You going on a trip or something?" He said confused.

"I wish... Jordan, I told them everything. I didn't want to come here but I had no where else to go and I didn't know what to do , I didn't mean to wake you." Her words flew out at rapid speed through her tears.

"Shhh, relax. It's all good. It's a Saturday, we have plenty of time to kill."

"My parents are moving me to Kentucky."

"Why? That's crazy!" Jordan could see them being upset but moving her to another state was beyond him.

" I don't know... to teach me a lesson... act like this baby doesn't exist." Simone felt like her parents couldn't hate her more.

Ever since they found out she was pregnant , Simone hide her pregnancy from everyone . She didn't want anyone outside of Jordan knowing but her father found out when the Doctor called to confirm her appointment. It was like parents preached about safe sex then wanted grand children but if they come early then it's a problem. Which she understood but she didn't know her family in Kentucky. It was already hard enough for Simone to trust people. She didn't like having to depend on other people.

"How did you get here?" Her boyfriend wondered never seeing her car outside.

"My parents took my keys , froze my card so I dug out my bike." She responded knowing it was a terrible idea.

"You rode a bicycle , all the way over here instead of just calling me?"

"I didn't have enough cash for an Uber and I didn't want to wake you." She tried to justify her actions.

"Simone, if you are ever in trouble... wake me the fuck up! I will come get you even if it's 4am. Don't ever do that again!" He didn't want to even think about if she had got hit while riding or her phone died on the way over. She had turned off her location so her parents couldn't find her not like they really cared about her well being anyway.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

"Why are you talking to yourself?" Olivia came down adjusting her eyes to the darkness. She wanted a super late midnight snack and she heard Jordan more than Simone so she figured he was alone. Coming closer, she realized that Jordan was cuddled with Simone.

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