Say My Name [M]

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A trip abroad was a once in a lifetime experience. Not many high school students could say they were fluent in another language that wasn't common. they also couldn't say they took a trip to Paris for this senior trip. Simone never expected for her parents to agree to traveling with her classmates that included her boyfriend out of the country. She was even shocked he was allowed to go.

One thing that scared her was planes. Sure, she was small but she lead on that it looked like she can handle anything. However being in the air was surely not her favorite. She was already secured in her seatbelt cuddled against Jordan's arm because she had moved the arm rest to be annoyingly close. Simone played with the gold ring on his finger that matched hers and listened to the flight attendant go over every safety precaution. It secretly scared the fuck out of her.

Before she knew it, they were in the air and she mentally prayed to every ancestor and past loved one. Her eyes opened feeling contact between her thighs. She was very elated that she sat along side one of their classmates who fell asleep once she sat down in her seat. Simone knew this was inappropriate  but she was going to allow it to happen. Jordan's whisper in her ear almost made her laugh as she tried not to leave evidence on his hand.

"No , but okay Aladdin..." anything to get her mind off of this long ass trip.

It was risky business to do this but maybe it was the right distraction for the time being. she could easily pass it off as not feeling well because well it was slightly true. The teachers on board were wrapped in a conversation so it was easy to slip past them to the empty bathroom. Hearing the lock click in place, she was caught off guard by the sudden movement of her body against the opposite wall.

Simone closed her eyes balancing herself with her hands on his shoulders fighting the pleasure being given. Her finger tips gripped his pretty curls unable to control the noises as they got tangled in a steamy kiss. Between his fingers slipping inside of her and the kiss, Simone felt dizzy.

"Say my name."  He whispered in her ear.

The wet , sweet kisses against her skin and his words were muffled but she comprehended - sort of.   One thing she had grown to appreciate was fantastic sex talk.

"Are you... fuck... but I wanna cum a-and your being...

Her sentence felt like a complete rambled mess that made zero sense and her words fell on deaf ears with a swift motion.  How the hell was she supposed to keep quiet now? This wasn't something she was expecting from him in this tiny ass space.

"Jordan...."  her body failed her having a mind of its own.

A quickie never hurt anyone. Simone could only hope nobody heard her. Her sex drive was high and she had to be quick but she surely returned the favor. This trip being unsupervised was probably the worst idea to do but she was going to take full advantage. Simone made him leave first due to having to use the restroom but she already knew this Paris trip was going to be one to remember.

"Hey hey, did anybody look for us?" she nudged the blonde student  who sat on the opposite side of them .

She rolled her eyes seeing her giving a tongue in check motion.

"That's not what happened, I wasn't feeling well. I have a fear of flying."  she said because well it was a common fear. It might've been a lie but the girl didn't need to know that.

She could feel herself getting embarrassed as she faced Jordan  kissing his cheek. They had a whole two weeks with no parents to do whatever they wanted. She was actually looking forward to all the sightseeing , food and whatever else they would manage to into.

"Thank you kind king." She double kissed his cheek.

"Anytime queen."

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