My Cherie Amor - Part 2

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Thanks for the comments on the last one and thanks for requesting, @JanelleNelly19 — the inspo was hitting so it's long but enjoy.


The house alarm pinged on his phone of an arrival and shortly he heard Simone's light footsteps beeline upstairs. It was twenty minutes later when she collapsed in his lap. Jordan unfolded the blanket that usually rested over the back of the couch and draped it over her petite body.  They didn't need conversation, but he always knew when something felt off.

Maybe he was being too cautious or clingy. However, Jordan knew the differences he saw in Simone wasn't her normal behavior. It had only been five minutes and she was out like a light. There were even certain foods that usually she loved and now passed along to him instead.

He didn't want to jump to conclusions but he kept thinking of "what if" . The following morning, Jordan and Simone went for a mile run. It wasn't long before she hitched a ride on his back making the long trek home.

"Hey, Are you sure you've been feeling ok?"  He questioned.

"I'm okay I guess just really tired lately." Simone hadn't thought much about it. She was used to long practices and long days in general.

"Yeah and turned off by half of your favorite foods babe. I don't know...I-I just noticed some things and thought of what it could be." Jordan tried to choose his words carefully.

"Yeah? What do you think?"

"Um... well I looked into it for uh educational purposes."

"Educational purposes? Jordan , you are studious but not for fun." Simone snorted.

"Hey! I like to learn sometimes. Anyway, I pieced some things together and thought maybe a ...uh... pregnancy test should be taken. "  He scratched his head wanting to avoid any conflict.

"Awww, look at you getting nervous. Fine, we can go buy one."

"Kinda already did. Several actually. I overthought it and wasn't sure which one would be the most accurate ."  Jordan half smiled getting to their front steps unlocking the door. He felt her drop from his back and rub it in comfort.


"Is it weird that I don't want to look?"  She sighed.

She didn't want to see his face drop and she didn't want to get her hopes up by going with it. She loved her relationship with Shae and Simone knew she wanted more children. She wasn't sure how soon or late it would happen. It wasn't like they were actively trying. Simone shot up from the bed the moment she heard Jordan's sniffles.

"My lo-

Simone's nickname for her husband barely escaped her lips before she was tackled back on the bed by the 6'2 man. She knew by his reaction that he was right about his assumption.

"My baby is having my baby!" He screamed popping his head up. Sitting on her elbows, she wiped his face failing to recognize her own tears. Her heart was bursting out of her chest in excitement. Jordan crawled backwards reaching her belly planting a kiss upon it.

"You are going to be an out of this world amazing father, my love."


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