Honey [M]

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NSFW, M: for oral , anal , vibrators , pining , multiple orgasms etc. enjoy some more demon time. Happy Friday!

Simone grasped the champagne flute taking a much needed sip. She didn't mind dinners with others but she was feeling like her social battery was winding down. It also didn't help that she was wearing a specific pair of panties that Jordan advised her to wear. They were vibrating panties and well the man wasn't playing fair. He conversed with J.J as she sat next to him clenching his hand underneath the table. He had been playing with the remote in his other pocket on and off throughout the night.

The flick against his ear lobe made him turn to his wife. The light shining in his big brown eyes making hers roll.

"Yes Queen?" He grinned.

He was such a little asshole. She could feel the vibrations start again as she held back a moan. Simone gave him a death stare as she excused herself. The bathroom of the restaurant was luxurious with couches and plenty of mirrors.

She went into the stall swatting after covering the toilet with a seat covering. She pulled her panties down dipping her fingers into her wetness.

"Sweetheart..." Simone knew that voice. She could hear the playful in his tone

She was absolutely going to kill him.

"The big one asshole." she directed her husband. She knew him and knew he would find a way to follow her like the freak he was.

She could hear his dress shoes tap against the tile as he came closer to the door. Pulling him inside the stall, she locked it back in place.

"What's wrong with my baby?" He cooed poking out his bottom lip in a teasing manner.

"You shouldn't be in here boy." She rolled her eyes as he ignored her. Instead, his hands hiked up the skin tight lavender dress that showed some cleavage and had a high slit. He could see the mess she already created making him smirk. She was good with keeping her emotions in check at the table.

How could he not mess with her? She looked too damn good and ignored his thirst for a quickie before leaving the house.
Jordan was going to find a way to always keep what they did in private still sexy and engaging.

"Hm, too bad. I don't see you stopping me." He rubbed the inside of his wife's thigh. He slipped a finger inside her making her bite her bottom lip.

"Ah, now I see why you scurried off so fast. You are soaking wet."Jordan chuckled pumping his finger in and out slowly.

"It's your fault. You're sick." She acknowledged. His head dipped into her neck. Simone moved slightly for him to get better access wrapping her leg around his waist holding on to him for balance. He continued finger fucking his wife making sure she called his name.

"I think you wanted it as much as I do mama. You want me just as much as I want you." He whispered adding another finger. The woman whimpered clinching around his long fingers deep inside her wet pussy.

"I-I'm going to kill you." She laughed fighting another moan.

Jordan shushed her as he went faster making her come on his fingers. Licking each one to taste her sweetness, he gave a cocky grin.

"Good girl. I think the real answer is you want to get fucked all night long." He was so devious but she'd be damned if it didn't make turn her on. How the hell could Simone crave someone so bad.

An hour went by before the departure of everyone. Olivia hugged Simone whispering in her ear that she wanted a niece or nephew immediately. Simone repeated her sentiments. Following her husband to their car, it took everyone departing first before he had her in the back seat to start them off.

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