Bittersweet [M]

449 11 22

Simone felt weighted down as she slowly opened her eyes. The sunlight blared in the room as she blinked. She could barely move until she looked down seeing the reason. Her eyes landed on her sleeping husband on her chest with his feet sticking out. She just knew he had to be freezing but he looked so precious. She hadn't seen him in a few weeks  since he was working and she hadn't expected to see him so soon. Simone  looked up seeing his empty luggage and his dirty clothing piling the hamper. She ran her fingers through his curls slowly lifting up on her elbows.

She didn't want to wake him. She knew he had to be exhausted and he deserved to sleep. The little knock on the door diverted her attention to the door. their little girl Aaliyah came bursting in screaming at excitement of her father being home scaring him awake and onto the floor.

"Lili, careful." she scolded her child.

Jordan  groaned laying on the floor.  Simone rolled over offering her hand. He pulled her down to him instead making her shriek at the unexpected action.

"If we stay quiet maybe she'll go away." he whispered in the sleepiest of tones with closed eyes.

She giggled cuddling to his chest. She pulled the comforter down to cover them since neither were properly clothed.

"Are you okay though?" she examined her husband checking for injuries.

"I am awake, not the way I wanted to wake up but I'm okay. She has quite the lungs." he assured her further proving she was definitely his child.

Simone  smiled kissing him. He didn't mean for it to linger but he couldn't help himself, he missed his lover. His tongue explored hers making him moan  as his fingers danced against her skin creeping to her ass giving it a squeeze. He missed her and their little family so much, he was itching for them to expand.

Aaliyah broke up their kiss by saying ew in her tiny voice hovering over her parents. He pulled away from his wife sitting up scooping up the three year old engulfing her with kisses. 

"Relax crazy girl, your going to kick mama in the face." he sat up admiring his queen and princess.

Aaliyah  cuddled against her daddy as Simone  ran off to pee barely able to hold it if she waited any longer.  She brushed her teeth and fixed her hair following with her skin care routine. She returned seeing Jordan back in bed watching cartoons with their baby girl. She immediately took the chance to snap a photo of them.

They both smiled for the camera as Aaliyah   laid on his bare chest pressing her tiny hand against his face.

"Good morning my babies."  her heart melted at their union  greeting her back with Jordan  trying to match Aaliyah's  tone making her frown. He laughed at her knitted brows apologizing.

Simone  kissed their forehead's about to get breakfast started when he pulled her back. Her knee drove into the mattress as she hovered over his face. It was her turn to deepen the kiss as he hand cupped her face.

"Stop it. Stop it." Aaliyah  tried pulling her mama away from her daddy. 

Simone  pulled away laughing.

"Let me kiss my man little girl!

Liyah  held up her hand saying no.

"Yes! He's mine." Simone  argued with her hand on her hips seeing Aaliyah mimicking her.

Aaliyah  still shouted no stopping her daddy from kissing by putting her hand on his mouth.

"Lick it." Simone encouraged. 

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