Wonders and Wishes - part 2

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5 am on the dot had Simone rolling over attempting to silence her blaring alarm. She snoozed it for thirty more minutes and quietly got up to use the bathroom. Sneaking back to bed, she admired a sleeping Jordan from a short distance. His arms rested underneath the pillow propping his head up. His mouth opened a little,  hearing his snores the more she got closer. Stepping over him, she slide back underneath the covers hoping sleep would come back again.

Lowering the light on her phone , she realized they had woken up early the past two days for traveling to do different tourist attractions and exploring. from horse back riding to diving with sharks, it truly felt like a well deserved vacation. There was something new every day that Simone really tried not to make an agenda.

Since she couldn't go back to sleep, she got up opening her meditation app. It was the one thing that her aunt suggested that she invested in for her mental health, the sun hadn't risen yet but she wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet. Cracking open the patio door, she sat on the floor lowering the volume on her phone.

Closing her eyes, she took deep breathes following the prompts. Once she finished , she did some stretches and a quick yoga session. She was officially up for the day. Pausing , she heard Jordan yawn loudly. He slowly sat up adjusting to the light from the sun rising.

"Good morning." His voice huskier than normal.

"Morning sleepyhead." She looked over her shoulder going back to finishing up.

Laying at the edge of the bed, the man rested his face in his palm stretching out his long limbs. Simone used all the muscle she had built up to pull him to the floor. Well, least it hurt less than the time Olivia yanked him to the floor.

"Why must my sister and you drag me to my death?"

"Because I wanted you and your sexy morning voice to join me on the floor. " she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Your obsession is not healthy Simone."

"Babe, you don't want to play this game. you will lose. Come on, let mediate real quick."

She was right - his entire world revolved around her and football. Pulling up another session that was short and to the point, Jordan joined her in making sure he set good intentions for the day and went into it with a clear head.

The young couple was fast and out the door catching the van to their destination of the day. Jordan was a little nervous but thrilled for their adventure today even if heights weren't his favorite thing. He followed behind Simone up the staircase and got harnessed up. He couldn't believe he was going zip lining in the forest but something about nature was calming. The more he thought about how high he was, the more he felt his stomach was going to drop.

"You okay baby?" She inquired hoping to ease her boyfriend's fears.

Simone allowed the instructor to secure the helmet on her head. Jordan swallowed nodding slowly. If there was something he was good at, it was masking the nerves he felt. Asking for a moment, Simone went to Jordan taking her hands in his.

"You know You don't have to do this if you aren't comfortable. That's the last thing I want for you." She looked up at him.

"I'm okay."

"Jordan..." she tilted at her head giving him a look.

"Okay, so maybe not but I want to be able to face my fears.

Simone was all about pushing herself out of  comfort zones but she knew her limits. She knew heights weren't his thing so she wasn't expecting him to actually go. She pressed her lips together, nodding. She kissed him, preparing to go first.  Listening to the instructor, she could feel her own hands get clammy but mostly , she was thrilled.

As long as she didn't look down , she was going to be fine. She was clipped onto the trolley and pushed off the ledge going full speed down the cable line. Landing safely to other side, she felt her heart racing as she was getting free from the harness.

When the instructor asked if that was her boyfriend, Simone answered. Caught in a quick conversation, the instructor was the first to point out that Jordan was coming their way. Simone hadn't expected that or the puking he did after from looking down. In the van to their next destination - something more relaxing , Jordan apologized over and over. Simone slide her hand in his , kissing the back of it.

"Stop right there Jordan Baker, You're human, not Superman. "  she reminded.

Simone wasn't expecting him to face his fears or do anything he didn't want to do. She just wanted to experience life with the one person she loved more than anything in the world. The driver took them to the smaller island - caye caulker for a more relaxed afternoon.

"I think the hammock can hold both of us." He cocked his head.

"Mmm you might be right."

Thankfully it was much bigger and spacious than the average. Jordan had already stolen the sunglasses from the top of Simone's head. By luck, she still packed a back up even with the shade , she still wanted to block the sun. Watching her boyfriend climb in and offer his hand, he helped her inside the hammock. Spooning her from behind, the breeze felt amazing.

"Yup, this is much better." Jordan teased.

"We should get an order of fried plantains."

Between the breeze and the good food from the tiki bar , they were having a ball.

Jordan felt his pockets for the card key , his girlfriend held close to him. They had one too many drinks in their system but Jordan was still sober enough to get them back to their hotel after their beach side dinner.

"Hey, hey.. I got to get in the room." He could feel her hands trying to undo his shorts  and her lips against his jawline.

"You're so handsome." She grinned bopping him on the nose.

"Thank you."

Simone failed at holding her liquor after the fourth drink but it didn't stop her from feeling all up on her boyfriend. Finally the door opened, simone kicked the door closed unable to stop herself from wanting to rip his clothes off.

"Baby, you're drunk. Let's get you to bed." He gently grabbed her wrists.

"B-B-But I want you." She pouted reaching for his shirt he already put back on.

"I am not doing anything with you without your consent love." He wasn't going to be that guy with her or anyone.

Simone looked queasy and ran in the direction of the bathroom. He followed pulling her hair from her face rubbing her back. Those fruity drinks hit a little too hard. Jordan wet a cloth and wiped her face getting her ready for bed. He left water and pain killers on her side of the night stand. He didn't think they would both be taking care of each other by the end of the day.


Simone woke with heavy lids and a headache. She saw the water and the pills smiling. After taking them, she rolled over laying on his chest. Jordan absentmindedly squeezed her kissing the top of her head.

"Feel better?"

"I feel like shit but thank you for taking care of my goofy ass last night."


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