Brown Eyes

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"How come there is no kids day?"

Jordan pushed the grocery cart looking at the list with his bodyguard trailing behind them. He heard Ava's question and Jordan actually found his little comedian to be hilarious. It was easy to pay someone to do the shopping but Jordan liked having the sense of normalcy.

"Kids day is every single day." He responded.

She wasn't impressed with that answer as he grinned sitting the two packages of family size vanilla Oreos in the cart. It was Father's Day and they needed a few things for their intimate BBQ at the Hicks-Baker household.

"You get spoiled every single day. Can't Daddies have a day to be spoiled too?"

"No." Ava and Noah said at the same time. Ava even crossed her arms for the added dramatics.

"You are your mother's child. Why not?" He posed the question.

"Because it's not fair." She pouted.

"Life's tough babygirls. Not everything is fair."

"We deserve a day too!" Noah agreed with her sister.

"Uhhh what are you contributing to my house young lady besides your cuteness? Answer... quickly." Jordan excused himself as he grabbed the package of protein yogurt.

"My thoughtfulness and jokes." She was proud of her answer.

"You are very thoughtful. Sometimes, funny." He tweaked her cheek.

"I'm kidding. For a comedian, you can't take a joke." He stuck out his tongue crossing things off the list.

"Today is a day for me just like Mother's Day is for Mama." He added.

"Daddy, you are supposed to love her everyday!" Ava dropped a package of gummy worms in the basket when he wasn't looking.

"Do you even know me? Don't ever question my loyalty and love miss thing. Now that day is extra special like... our wedding anniversary , her birthday.. christmas." Jordan pretended to be offended. Anybody that knew him knew that he breathed for Simone and over the years , their children. They were his everything.

Why was he arguing with his own children about this?

"So why do you need a day?" Noah asked with an eye raise waiting a response.

"Who hurt you?" Jordan eyed his second oldest.

He was still amazed that they had a fourth on the way.

"I need a day because you guys drive me crazy." He kissed her forehead.

Between each kid being involved in some activity , Simone and Jordan always doing something - there was never a dull moment unless it was an off season. He wouldn't change it for the world but that didn't mean he wasn't getting worn out by the end of the day. He would rather take busy over not do anything.

"I'm telling." Noah interrupted.

"Tell and those gummy worms disappear." Jordan smiled as Ava gasped and told her to shut up. She didn't expect him to know but like any parent, he had eyes in the back of his head.

"Hey, be nice or I really will make them disappear." The man scolded his children.

Jordan continued going down the list ensuring that Noah helped. He was stopped by a few fans before checking out and loading the girls in the suv. He made the drive back home helping Tina and his mother finish setting up. Spencer manned the grill with Liv and Simone finishing the sides. While Jordan loved a good Mac and cheese by Ms. Grace , he had to admit Simone's was just as flavorful and had a bit more kick that she had to have a kid friendly version.

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