Anatomy 1ON1 [M]

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Simone had been going steady with Jordan for a year. Despite how much their mothers thought they weren't a perfect match , it didn't matter. They always attended each other's games in their respective sports and spent plenty of late nights in the park on the bench missing curfew together because they were so lost in conversation. Simone lost count of how many times she climbed up her balcony back to her window in hope of not getting caught. She was grounded yet again. She was told to stay home but she was antsy , desperate and missed her boyfriend. It was summer after all.

Jordan sat on the hood of his car down the block of Simone's residential area. It was only a few moments until he saw his girlfriend racing towards him from a distance jumping in his arms. He chuckled hoisting up her petite frame in his arms.  He sat her down giving her a kiss.

"There's my favorite criminal." He tapped her hip.

Jordan opened the passenger door and ran to the other side pulling off the hideaway spot.

"So, where are we going?" Simone grabbed his hand, bouncing her leg in excitement.

"It's a surprise."

Jordan didn't just do surprises for anyone. He was particular and while he had been with plenty of girls , he never once thought about going all the way. Yet, he talked a big game and nobody knew he was a virgin. They just assumed by his popularity that he had a high body count. He may have let girls do things to him , but he never returned the favor or felt obligated too until he started dating Simone.

She was whom he wanted to share the intimate moments with. She was the one he saw a future with. Nothing was more important to him than Simone. Football didn't even measure up to the feeling he got when he was with her. It wasn't the same rush. Sure, he was only freshly eighteen but he didn't want to have it be one and done.

He helped Simone out of his convertible and locked his doors. Every single date was different from the last and no matter what , they had a date night every week even if it meant just having study dates during lunch. He cupped her face kissing her softly lacing his fingers with hers kissing the back of it.

"Do you trust me?" Jordan started to lead the way.

"Yes." Simone knew by the surroundings that they were on some hike. She just didn't know where it would be leading them.

"Not you trying to be like me." He caught a glimpse  at her shoes - they were the same style of  Jordans he had on only smaller.

"First of all, you brought me these and secondly they went with my outfit. Thank you very much."  Simone commented, making him stop. They were only half of the way there  and she was already over it with the heat in California feeling like a first class ticket to  hell.

Jumping on his back, she felt like she could see the world from his point of view. Simone was much smaller and compact compared to her doting boyfriend but she loved their height difference. She took in his cologne and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Don't you choke me." He warned.

"Aw, I thought you'd be into that." She frowned.

Jordan shook his head continuing the hike up the trail making sure she didn't slip from the climb. They made it to their destination - waterfall with no one around but nature and them. Simone jumped down and hugging her pretty boy from behind. Her face planted against his back taking in the nature sounds and their own stillness. It felt like the sweetest sin that she would do over and over again.

"Want to get in?" Jordan grazed her arm with his thumbs.

"Like Naked?" She humored taking in all the rocks and trees surrounding them.

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