All or Nothing - Part 3

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Last part - because why not. Enjoy some late night mess!

Simone sat at the island waiting for her boyfriend to arrive at the restaurant. She thanked the waiter for the two glasses of water when she heard someone clear their throat. Looking up , she was face to face with Layla. Immediately, her eyes rolled. She said she wasn't fighting over a man but that will all change if she touches her.

"What do you want girl? I have nothing to say to you." She stated unwrapping the straw and sticking it in her glass.

"I think you have plenty to say like an apology." Layla crossed her arms waiting for a response.

Simone snorted at the demand. She had her very confused because while Simone was very capable of apologizing and playing meditator when the boys got into it, she wasn't apologizing for this situation.

"I am not the one that was in a relationship with you. Besides, Jordan already apologized. Why would I apologize for dating a man I was with first just because you were the rebound? Take it up with Jordan."

Simone wasn't about to take orders from Beverly Barbie.

"We were in a relationship." Layla cut her eyes at the other woman.

"Are we positive that's what that was? Because see... I think Jordan was jealous I was in a relationship and he wanted me. Except he couldn't have me so he slept with you and you caved because you pushed Clay away and you liked Jordan while Jordan only liked you because I was gone at Bringston." She smiled quickly at her own explaination.

"Wow..."   Layla couldn't believe that actually came out of her mouth. She was stunned to say the least. She thought they were friends.

"He's not here yet, did you want to quench your thirst? I can always get him another." Simone offered.

"I can't believe he is with you and I can't believe we were ever friends. You're literally a selfish bitch with regards to no one."

"I am still not the enemy here and we were never friends, barely associates babygirl. Correction, I am a selfish bitch that was throwing it back last night  on the dick that you are sitting in my face trying so hard to win back. Layla... you are embarrassing yourself once again."  Simone shrugged taking a sip of her water.

Layla slammed her purse down on the counter and Simone remained seated , unbothered. She found much amusement in this because this was really all stupid. It wasn't Simone's fault that she always went after what she wanted. Sure, she felt bad but now she actually felt embarrassed for the girl since clearly she didn't care how she was acting.

When Layla launched at her , she ducked.

"Sweetie, I am not about to fight you. We're adults but best believe if you touch me... I am beating your ass." She didn't care if Layla had her by a few inches. She kept her promises.

Layla was hurting. She was tired of everyone treating her like her feelings didn't matter. She was tired of being the rebound and everybody going after the men she was in relationships with. Maybe she grew too attached to Jordan but they grew up together. He always paid a little more attention than Olivia did at times. Layla didn't want to admit she had feelings for Jordan but seeing Jordan back with Simone made her angry.

She was angry that she didn't held back on hitting Simone.

"Oh. So you do want to fight? Okay..."

Simone nodded jumping off of the chair. Her fist collided with Layla's stomach. She wasn't about to play games with Layla. She may have been 5'3 but disrespecting her was a no in her book. Jordan walked up to the cafe doors getting a glimpse of what looked like was a girl fight, he shook his head walking inside.

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