Second chances - Part 2

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Layla watched Jordan continue packing his things. He was being vague and they had only been living together for a short while. She couldn't rent by herself so he offered to be her roommate. It was still platonic but she had hoped it would've blossomed over time. They had spent a lot of time together especially since his break up with Simone. She thought they were moving in the right direction and taking things slow.

"Are you moving back into the beach house?" She followed him into the bathroom.

"No. I am not moving back into the beach house." He responded grabbing his toiletries from the cabinet.

"Back home? Jordan.. where are you going?"

He excused himself moving past her continuing to move around finding everything that belonged to him. Hell, the majority of the groceries in the fridge did but it was the last of his worries. He just wanted to get back to Atlanta already. Cam decided to move in with Keisha thus Simone found a bigger apartment that fit their budget. He looking forward to the fresh start where only a select few knew him.

"I am moving out of state, Layla. Is that the answer you are looking for?"

"Since when did you suddenly have an interest in moving out of state? What is... oh. You're going back to her. I just thought that.." she stopped herself. This was stupid.

"Look, you were right the first time. We shouldn't try to force something that isn't there. We have too great of a friendship. It might've worked when we were in high school."

"You mean before Simone?" Layla interrupted.

"Maybe.. I don't know. I just know that she is the one who makes me want to move the earth for."

"So, that's it?" Layla crossed her arms against her chest.

"Layla, Clay has been on your ass for the past year. Maybe you should give things a shot with him. I want you to be happy and find love."

"Just not with you, got it." She looked away not even knowing why she was in her feelings.

"Not with me, sorry. Look, I know rent is due soon so I will zelle you my half and - " He started before he was interrupted again which always annoyed him.

"Don't worry about it. I don't want your money."

"Layla, come on. You can't possibly be mad."

Jordan could understand being hurt but he didn't do anything wrong. His phone dinged seeing an attachment from Simone. He asked for bump checks until he got back even if she swore it wasn't that much of a difference from the last one. He definitely planned to frame every single one, even the accidental one he took when she was in the bathroom.

"No, I just constantly look like an idiot." She could tell Jordan wasn't listening to a word she was saying.

"Sorry, what?"

"Nothing, you should finish packing." Layla left him to his own vices.

Jordan had rented a uhaul and Spencer offered to drive his car for him to Atlanta long as he paid for his flight back home. Spencer knocked on the bedroom door and helped after sensing the attitude from Layla. He was the least offended as he learned a long time ago to just mind his business.

"I don't think you have to worry about telling your folks." Spencer spilled.

"If Olivia goes missing , just know it was me." Jordan rolled his eyes passing things along to Spencer.

"Can you blame her? She's excited. Hell, I am happy for you even if you are leaving me and shit."

"Ain't nobody leaving you Spence. You have a career waiting for you here. I am still trying to figure out if I want to play or even get the chance to play." Jordan was in no rush.

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