Take Me Tonight [M]

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TW: public sex , fingering , oral...

Figured I'd throw this up before ripping your heart out next. We know these two stayed on demon time.


Jordan was all for shopping. He had needed a few things and he had worn out some of his beloved shoes. Walking hand in hand in H&M with his girlfriend, he absentmindedly swung their arms back and forth. A chuckle escaped past her lips at the action. She released his hand venturing to the women's section for swimsuits. Going through the rack, she found one with lemon print on it.

"Get it how I live it.." she heard Jordan behind her singing off key just knowing he was dancing as well.

Coming behind her, Jordan walked them over to the enlarged mirror holding the top to her frame. "Are you gonna try it on for me?"  she can see his eyes light up and his lips press  against the skin of her neck. Simone sighed playfully taking it from him asking for a dressing room from the associate. Following after the associate , she made Jordan sit and wait in the sitting area outside the rooms.  When the associate left, he double checked before finding the room.

He had to get up close and personal so he knocked softly on the door. The man  has a sly smirk on his face seeing Simone's curves already filling out the piece. Finally looking up, Simone's mouth went agape. She shook her head when he sat on the bench. He reached out for her hand twirling her around so he saw the whole thing.

"It looks good on you. Much better than the mannequin."

"Why thank you. You know.. you aren't suppose to be in here." Simone smirked as a devious idea came to her. Sitting in his lap,  she rested each leg beside him and started to  ignite the first move, she knew how to get him started.

"I think I have boyfriend rights. You aren't kicking me out so I think I'll stay."

Jordan held her tight, tapping her hip so she lifted up a bit more. He knew what he shouldn't do and do but he couldn't help it.  He was already thinking with his dick when he unzipped his jeans releasing himself from his boxer briefs. He stroked himself with one hand moaning in her mouth. The bench was uncomfortable but he didn't care. They shouldn't be trying to fuck in a dressing room but it was something that he wanted to cross off his invisible list of where he wanted to take his girl down at. He knew he needed a condom but he felt like being a little reckless.

He  teased her by  sliding his fingers in and out of his favorite place  to get her started. Soon, Simone shimmed out of the bottoms and down on top of her boyfriend  feeling him stretch her. Simone rocked her hips against him slowly on purpose. To keep quiet, they engaged in a long kiss. He gripped her ass feeling her release and clench around him.  He was going to get her for teasing.

She felt incredibly good that it was hard for him to keep quiet. Groaning into her mouth, her fingers gripped his hair as he undid her bikini top seeing her breast fall. He latched on to one of her nipples swirling his tongue around the areola.

"Babe..." Simone found herself picking up her pace  bouncing up and down loving the double pleasure she was receiving between the warmth of him inside and the warmth of his tongue. He took her other nipple in his mouth doing the same thing. She could feel her stomach get knots unable to stop herself from moaning his name.

Jordan covered her mouth with his hand as his brown  eyes darkened. Simone kept going until she released her orgasm all over his dick. He kissed down her neck chuckling softly. Patting her thigh, they switched positions. She was now against the wall with the mirror to the side.  Jordan clasped their hands together and  entered her soaked core again.  He wanted to watch her every expression in the mirror.

He thrusted hard feeling her leg wrap around him and nails dig back into his skin. He knew she wanted to scream from the way her mouth rested against his ear lobe while pounding into her. He  need to touch and feel every inch of her. Simone desperately needed him closer. She sucked on his bottom lip and released it with a gentle pull. He watched his dick go in and out with ease in the mirror.

Being intimate with Simone was never a problem and each time he felt like they learned something new about the other. It wasn't long before he shot his load again. He put his finger to his mouth to silence her as he pulled away. Her pout was the cutest thing in the world. He still  had her against the wall one hand two fingers deep  in her pussy while he made sure he left his mark against her neck. He wanted her to come one more time, he played with her clit and went down kissing her inner thigh.

Her body was in shambles. His tongue against her left her weak as her fingers pulled his hair. Her leg rested down his back needing to give him more access. She hummed almost whimpering at his lapping. "J..."  This time Jordan quickened his pace. He caught every drop of her waterfall pouring out. " I am far from done sweetheart."  He whispered watching her come down for her high. They hurried up to leave the store with their one paid item.

Running into the house, they only made it into the kitchen. He bent her over the counter and slide himself in her gripping her hips. "Faster ..." now she can be as loud as she wanted. She held on as he pounded into her digging his nails into her skin. "What's that?". He pulled out waiting. Simone moaned repeating her words. "That's right princess. It's daddy. Don't forget it!" he slammed back into her continuing the afternoon of making sure Simone got whatever she wanted.

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