Chemical Embrace

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"Olivia, I just got broken up with and your excited for what?" Simone sat across from her cradling her third glass of red wine.

"Becauseeee you are a single woman. Damon didn't deserve you and I have the perfect date for you to my wedding."

"Ugh, Livvvvv. I don't want to go on another date." She frowned.

"Trust me, you'll like this one."

"Olivia." Simone deadpans her friend.

"He is single and you're single. There is no better opportunity."she grinned.

"Olivia Marie." She glared at the other woman.

"Trust the process babe. You will have somebody on your arm and you will be thanking me later for this. Now, no more drinking. We don't cry over fuck boys." Olivia snatched the glass from her hands.

"I actually liked him. He just chose baseball over me!"

"I don't know why you went out with him in the first place. You can do so much better, I promise you."

"Every other bridesmaid has a date. It's going to be so weird as the maid of honor." Simone knew she was going to be fine but she wanted to sulk.

"I told you sister, trust the process. When have I steered you wrong."

"Do you really want me to answer that?" She looked over the desert menu.

They were only in their mid twenties. Spencer and Olivia had been together for what seemed like the beginning of time. It was only right that Simone walked Spencer through planning the perfect proposal and finding the perfect ring. She never cried harder that day. Simone wasn't ready for that chapter of her life. She was career driven but still a hopeless romantic. Breaking up with Damon or rather getting broken up with sucked ass especially now.

She dated Damon for an entire year. Did she see anything long term like marriage? No but she didn't think he would choose baseball over her. She didn't want to uproot her life for him so he left taking a position with the Yankees. She wished him the best and now she was going to this destination wedding a single woman.

It had been a week and Olivia  had her running around doing last minute shit. As much as she respected her wishes to not throw a bachelorette party, she did anyway. Simone looked in the mirror fixing her dress. She hated the way her makeup looked so she wiped it off and did it her damn self. She knew she couldn't trust Laura with hiring a make up artist. Which meant she scrambled up Nate and Keisha to help fix the rest.

"Liv, I am fine walking by myself."

"No!" Liv whipped her head in her direction.

"How you gonna tell me no bridezilla? I said what I said. I don't need no man to walk a bad b- gal down the aisle."


"Spence, who am I walking?"

"Oh, Simone." Spencer flashed his groomsman a smile.

"I thought she had  Dillon?"

"Olivia switched some things around and she is single now." Spencer dropped the last part nonchalantly.

"Really? That's a loss."

"Yeah, he dumped her I think. I never liked him anyway which means..." Spencer looked at Jordan fixing his stupid tie.

"Which means nothing. Stop." Jordan was enjoying being single.

"So we're going to act like y'all didn't kiss during spin the bottle in middle school?" Spencer remembered it so vividly.

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