U Got Nerve

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Basing this one shot as an alternate to Jordan's first solo trip to visit Simone at Bringston and moving up the timeline to where the almost kiss happened a week prior. Enjoy!


Simone felt like she had been up all night trying to finish this paper with Damon. She was used to all nighters but she really wanted her bed. She had a mini nap and that was enough until she got back to her room.

She went to the coffee machine getting hot coffee. The aroma alone was waking her up. She yawned feeling someone wrap their arms around her. The young woman acted out of instinct, shoving her elbow back hard into them. It was enough for her to be released.

"Um, Simone..." Keisha winced pointing to Jordan doubled over.

"Wha - Oh my god, Jordan. Oooh, I am so sorry babe. I had no idea." She tried to touch him only for him to slap her hand away.

"Who the hell did you think I was? Damon!?" He breathed , rubbing the area.

"Well, least she knocked you down to her height. Never seen a 6'2 man go down so quickly." Keisha joked.

"Shut up Keisha." Simone helped Jordan to his feet seeing his adorable pout. She rubbed the spot she had injured walking with him to the sitting area. She was so engrossed with what happened that she didn't even notice Damon's ghosting act or her coffee being done until Keisha sat it on the coaster.

Jordan laid in his girlfriend's lap keeping the same pout on his face. He knew he was going to be fine but he loved the thought of Simone making it up to him in any way possible. He felt her hand snake up his hoodie and wife beater rubbing his stomach.

"Are you sure you are good babe? I didn't expect you here so soon. Again, I am really sorry." She chewed on her bottom lip. Feeling Jordan move her hand higher.

"That is the point of a surprise but I am the one that got surprised. Oh and you had Damon leaving out of here looking like you killed his dog." He mentioned casually with smile. Jordan didn't want to have to tell him again to stay away from Simone. He was here for Simone and Simone only. She was welcomed to have male friends but that man was weird.

"We were finishing up a paper. Nothing more , nothing less." Simone informed.

"You don't have to explain it to me. I understand besides I already won, he is the one jealous he will never have you. I can see why, Atlanta got you eating good. Baby got thick!"

Jordan took her coffee cup opening it to sniff it. Shrugging, He took a swig of it and secured the top back on.


"Don't hey me. I can have some of your coffee. You stay trying to eat off my plate. What's yours is mine." Jordan poked her cheek getting up.

He was getting way too comfortable to move. Keisha had informed him that Simone's roommate was gone for the weekend. However, Jordan already booked them a suite for the weekend instead. There was no way he was going to be comfortable in those tiny ass dorm beds.

"Well look what Golden Angeles brought in. If it isn't Jordan Baker."

Jordan looked up seeing Cam and rolled his eyes. He almost forgot he picked Bringston as his school. Surprisingly since punching Cam, they put aside their differences. Cam didn't bring up Dane and Jordan didn't bring up almost wanting to take Dane out.

"Look at you two still going strong. I tried to tell Sims he didn't have a chance. He didn't want to meet your right hook." Cam held up his hands as Jordan gave a confused look.

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