Second chances

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Keisha watched Simone fight with her jeans. She really didn't know why she was trying at this point but it was so cute to watch. The annoyance on her face was clear as she watched her give up. She looked at the yoga pants she tried to offer but no, Simone declared she was tired of them.

"I am so fat!" She huffed.

"Hey! No baby slander. You aren't fat girl. You have my god baby in there. What is wrong with you. I told you to wear the damn yoga pants. Jeans are uncomfortable as hell."

"But I don't want too." She attempted again.

"Yeah well god baby don't want you wearing jeans sooo... wear the damn yoga pants." Keisha tossed them her way.

Simone couldn't believe she was doing this again. She thought she had more time , she was fine with the way things were until this threw a fucking curveball. Keisha counted it as a blessing because she loved children and she knew that Simone was already a fantastic mother. She also knew this time wasn't going to be like the first time.

"Did you tell him yet?" Keisha looked at her friend helping her out of the jeans.

"I am not telling that man anything."

It had been six months and call Simone stubborn or evil but things were better this way. She didn't want help from anyone and damn sure she wasn't about to rain on his happy parade. It already hurt her enough to see it through social media. She had isolated herself from everything concerning Beverly except for Shay. She didn't need any reminders of how terrible things felt when she was alone or how great she felt when she wasn't.

"You have to tell him Simone. Don't you think you owe him that much?"

"It doesn't matter Keisha. He's moved on and so I would like to do the same."

"Hurt people hurt other people. Both of your worlds shattered when you guys broke up and I am sure he is just wanting to feel whole again." Keisha attempted.

"Whose side are you on?" Simone slipped on the oversized Bringston tennis  graphic tee smoothing it over. Least she wasn't looking too frumpy even if she felt like shit.

"Yours but you know he would come running back for you.. you know that no matter how much you want to forget , no matter how much we help.. you still love him."

"I am done talking about this. Let's go!"

Keisha rolled her eyes following after Simone. She knew she was right and that her best friend was stubborn.  While she waited in the waiting room , she sent a text message to him anyway.

Keisha: How fast can you get here?
Jordan: What's happening?
Keisha: It might be better if you see it in person. Just hurry up!

Now did Keisha know it was wrong to do this? Sure but she seen first hand how infatuated they were with one another. She knew Jordan was good person deep down and would do the right thing regardless of how much Simone fought back. Jordan never heard from Keisha unless it was serious. They were cordial at best but Jordan felt like maybe he should go so he booked the next flight to Atlanta.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He asked the next day walking with Keisha to her car.

"It's not up to me." Keisha unlocked her doors trying to ignore any and all questions he threw.

"Does it have to do with Simone?" Jordan asked again.

"If you didn't think it was, would you be here?"

Jordan stayed quiet. Just as he wanted to forget , it was like he dropped everything to rush to her aid with no questions asked all over again. Even when he wanted to move on , he still thought about timing and how things would've been different if they didn't go their separate ways or she stayed back in California.

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