End up with you

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We all seen the incoming mess? Ight cool... here is my take cause Nefie bullied me. Credit to KT for mentioning the idea on the bird app.


"Okay so here is access to where ever you want to go. If you lose this. I will kill you." Keisha held the key card from the man.

"I won't lose it. Promise." Jordan nodded.

"You better not. Now, she was at the gym but her short self be speed walking so good luck." Keisha handed over her extra key card.

"Thank you. You're the best." Jordan stuck the card in his wallet for save keeping.

"The map is confusing so use the one I sent you." She continued.

"Yes ma'am." Jordan smiled softly.

Keisha and Jordan parted ways. They had a game in Atlanta and as much as Jordan didn't want to , he worked hard to get back to functioning. A lot happened since he broke up with Simone. He went back to his old ways and pushed any and all feelings he had - least he tried. He failed miserably and that showed when he kissed Layla then told her that he regretted it.

They weren't together and Jordan was slowly processing the breakup. He didn't want it but he went with what Simone wanted. He always did but now he was going after what he wanted. He still wanted Simone. Her letter ate at him for weeks.

He wasn't sure who he was more pissed at - Clay for his misinformation , Simone for believing a complete stranger or himself for thinking he felt anything for Layla in the same capacity as he did for Simone. It was a little crush but he knew that it would never be in the same capacity. They were using each other. It was very clear that Layla wanted to say she liked Jordan to avoid her feelings for Clay. Jordan forced himself to like Layla to avoid the breakup with Simone.

He followed the directions that Keisha gave him finding the gym. The one place that he could throw his anger into. He wasn't letting anything or anyone get in the way anymore. He searched for what was his favorite person on the planet. The gym wasn't that big compared to his own campus. Plus, it was easy to spot Simone no matter if she was facing him or was close. It was like he could tell when she was near.

"You just missed her." A voice broke his focus.

Of all people to run into - it just had to be the main person responsible for the downfall besides the distance.

"Who said I was looking for her?" Jordan stuffed his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

"Why are you looking for her? I thought you were in a new relationship." The young man smirked.

"Nice to know that you keep tabs on me Sims." He responded in a sarcastic manner.

"I don't but word gets around." Damon shrugged.

"Maybe you should mind your business then, focus on baseball and your own girlfriend or did you forget that you were dating Thea?." Jordan pointed out.

"I mean I could've had Simone. You were slipping up." Damon winced.

"Why are you in my face?" Jordan sucked his teeth.

"Did I hit a nerve? You know she told me that if you two weren't a thing that we would've been a perfect match." Damon continued.

"Go find Thea and mind the business that pays you." Jordan wasn't in the mood. He didnt come here for a fight.

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