Love Like This

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"What is that?" Jordan lazily pointed at the attire his sixteen year old daughter had on from across the island.

"It's a dress , daddy. Isn't it cute?" Aaliyah beamed twirling and hitting a few poses.

"Says who?!" He cocked a brow

"Oh uh.... Dior." She snapped her fingers, proud of herself that she remembered .

"Hang it back on the Dior so it can be returned." Jordan mocked waving his hands in the air. There was no way she was walking out his house in that.

"What if I said if it was mama's?" She argued.

"What if I said your grounded?" Jordan smiled , crossing his arms.

Aaliyah huffed pushing past her aunt who stopped her for a hug before she had the chance to run away.

"Your twin sucks aunt liv." She called out , slamming her door.

"Don't be slamming doors in my house!" Jordan yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

"Okay... well! you got on her shit list quickly. She is right though, you do suck , sometimes." Liv snorted easing past her brother into his kitchen helping herself to a water from their fridge.

"First of all, don't come in my house getting comfortable dear sister. Secondly, you're here and my wife isn't.... Where is Simone?"

"Practice. She said she was running late."

Jordan eyed her and checked his phone seeing the missed notifications from Simone.

"Oh! And she said to pick up Noah from soccer practice."

Liv watched hysterically as Jordan panicked in search for his keys. Still to this day , she loved messing with her brother. She couldn't help but laugh as he stopped for a moment giving her a glare.

"She's with Spencer isn't she?" He rubbed his forehead, calming himself down.

He swore the Baker women was going to be the death of him.

"Yes, like a good neighbor.. she's in good hands." Olivia chuckled twisting the cap back on the water bottle.

"And my children say I am corny." Jordan blinked at her joke.

It was a surprise to no one that Jordan Baker ended up being a girl dad. While he considered shay to be like a son , there was really nothing he loved more than raising daughters. His eldest Aaliyah was just like her mama - full of sarcasm and determination. Their second daughter Noah had the Baker gene for a love of sports especially soccer while Ava was quite the daddy's girl getting extremely spoiled by everyone in her presence.

"Oh you are, I'm just their favorite." She grinned sitting back on the couch kicking up her feet.

"Simone will kill you, she just polished that yesterday." Jordan pointed out pushing her feet off the coffee table.

An hour later, the garage door opened and the littlest baker ran through the living room full force screaming spotting her auntie. Liv swooped her niece up kissing the four year old all over her face.

"Unhand my princess, woman." Jordan ordered holding out his arms.

Ava giggled crawling to her dad's lap finding interest in his beard.

"You think I should shave?" He asked puckering his lips in which Ava very much ignored.

"Yes!" She nodded.

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