In The Morning

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Requested: Simone being related to Spencer.

"Simone, let's goooo!" Spencer yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't rush me boy!" She responded, continuing to brush her hair.

One thing Simone took her sweet time with was her hair and her outfit. She wasn't about to be one of those athletes that wore sweats 24/7. She was going to be serving looks and talent. Spencer was just going to have to wait.

Spencer never expected his mom to move Simone into their home. He also never expected his mother to get remarried either. Grace James-Carter being happy meant everything to him but having a half sister and a new step father took some adjusting . Simone and Spencer shared the same father. She was a surprise baby that her mother Tina Hicks gave up to live with family in Atlanta.

It took a will after their father died to see that he split everything he had between the two siblings.

Simone's aunt thought it would be best if she started her sophomore year in Beverly Hills last year and now they were five months into their junior year. Simone wasn't too fond of moving to a new state. She had all her friends back in Atlanta and a whole life she thought she knew. Eventually she found her footing and was able to secure a spot on the tennis team at the last minute much to the dismay of the other students

"We are going to be late sweetheart!" D'Angelo eased past Spencer with his briefcase in hand in search of his keys.

"She just wants to look cute for Jordan." Spencer scuffed opening the protein shake he previously grabbed and shook up.

"Oh, you don't do the same for Olivia?"

"Oooh, shots fired." Simone jogged down the steps with a million and one bags.

"I do not attempt to look good for Olivia. I just am." Spencer didn't think he was that obvious. He had Layla after all.

"You are very annoying, I agree. Anyway, Jordan is outside." She smiled running before D'Angelo could make any rejections about riding with boys .

In her opinion , It was hilarious that they were both going after the Baker twins - sort of. Spencer hadn't gone after Olivia because he was with Layla even though Simone and D'Angelo were well aware of the crush.

Jordan Baker on the other hand had tried everything under the sun to get Simone's attention from day one at Beverly, boys were never her strong suit neither was compliments but she decided to give the quarterback a chance.

"Thank god, I could feel principal carter staking me out through the door." Jordan leaned over kissing her cheek.

"He didn't even know until the very last minute and he was not paying you any mind." Simone assured.

The two teens kept things under wraps for what seems like a lifetime. Sure, Spencer and Olivia knew but as far as Grace and Carter went , Simone was only claiming Jordan as a friend. She went to his games and he went to her matches. They went on dates classifying them as study dates when really they barely studied and instead went on actual dates around town. The last one was a day trip to Los Angeles.

Jordan parked thankful he got a close parking spot in the school lot this morning. He unbuckled his belt about to get out when he watched Simone climb into his lap having other plans. She laced her hands around his neck. She was careful not to spill their coffees in the drink holders in the middle console.

"Hello my handsome boy." She kissed his forehead.

"Hi my pretty girl." He replied.

"I missed you. The weekend was so long."

Simone was an independent young "adult" in her head anyway . She didn't want to count on Grace and Carter to fund her lifestyle. It wasn't that she required much but getting a job that paid well and gave her enough hours was important. She didn't want any hand outs so working for what she wanted to buy helped. She was able to help style clients at a boujee boutique and tap into photography as an added bonus hobby.

"Least it's over and we're back to another fun week at Beverly." Jordan spoke sarcastically.

He wasn't a scholar but he applied himself in the subjects he actually found interesting like science and marketing. They had time to spare and Simone had no plans to stand around a stuffy hall and engage in the current gossip of Beverly High. She laughed in agreement, kissing him to be the perfect distraction. Jordan felt her tongue slip into his mouth as she deepened the kiss. She smiled within running her fingers through his hair. She pulled away going back to her coffee and breakfast sandwich.

"Relax Hicks. You have all day to kiss me."

"But I wanna kiss you now." She pouted stabbing her drink with her straw.

They finished up and went inside. Simone collected her books for her first two periods and met Jordan at his locker. He checked his watch sliding his hand in hers absentmindedly while trying to listen to JJ talk about throwing another party this coming weekend. JJ knew how to threw a party and by luck cops never shut them down.

"Alright, we gotta go!" Spencer broke up the conversation.

"Where have you been?" Simone looked at her brother.

"Not sucking face with a twin if that's what your asking." Spencer shot back.

Simone smirked eyeing him up and down. Spencer realized what he said and paused starting to walk away. Olivia came up seeing him walk away and frowned.

"Simone, can I borrow your Spanish notes?"

"Si, mi princesa!" She dug in her backpack pulling out her perfectly organized and color coded Spanish notes.

"Gracias mi amor!"

"Go hit on Spencer and leave mine alone!" Jordan interrupted.

"Jordan!" Olivia hit her sibling in the arm.

"Ooooh. The tea is hot." Simone pursed her lips together. She wanted to see Spencer and Olivia just make it happen already. They were both in denial.

"Simone, you can't say anything!" The brunette lectured.

"I ain't saying nothing bout nothing, I ain't hear a thing boo!" She pretended to zip her mouth with her finger tossing the key.

Olivia breathed in relief , shoving her brother again walking off to class. Simone snickered pulling Jordan to their first period. She walked him to class and kissed him bidding him a good day. She walked in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" Jordan called out.

"Boy , get to class!" She scolded with laughter.

"You forgot something."

"I already gave you a kiss Jordan!" She gripped her books.

"That's not what I am talking bout. Say it...." He teased.

"You are sooo... okay, I love you so much." She looked at her boyfriend from the distance between them.

"I love you more, see you later!" He blew a kiss.

"Goodbye Jordan! Get your ass to class! Now!" Simone pointed.

"I'm going, geez. So bossy."

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